
Why do most Java programmers know Java and nothing else? Wtf, every time find myself reviewing crappy Bash/Python/JavaScript/Ruby shit written by Java-only programmers I want to puke. Don't you know that the world is bigger than your small island?

  • 18
    When you have a car that works perfectly no matter the situation, if you are forced to ride a bike you try to just get over it asap and get back to your car.
  • 6
    @ganjaman concerning Java it's a bit like a high-consuming not-that-confortable vintage car
  • 3
    @Orionss and unfortunately most people only teach you how to drive this type of car
  • 7
    @ganjaman you can drive the best car in the world, but if you're a bad driver, nothing can save you
  • 5
    I'm sure the results would be crappy if I used a tool I was unfamiliar with, too. The same would go for you. Sometimes it's necessary to just do it, though. Other times it's not necessary, it's just bad management.
  • 8
    "small island". Java is the 13th biggest island in the world.
    Kotlin now, that's a small island.
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    @Jmann "Runs"
  • 2
    @Jmann yeah, and HPV runs on 20 million people
  • 1
    @stacked well, better a manual driver using automatic than an automatic driver failing to use manual.

    i feel like, at this point, the analogy is falling apart..
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    Whatever, anyways the point of my this post is another: I'm not ranting about Java, I'm ranting about people having 10+ years of experience and knowing only one language.
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    @stacked I've done this for a long time and have learned a lot of languages. These days I don't want to learn another language just to do (badly) all the things I already know how to do in some other language.
  • 1
    That's how it's being taught around here, most CS schools only teach Java, even for students with no prior programming knowledge. After school, those people often land some corporate Java-only job (mainly because their knowledge is almost exclusively Java), and unless they find themselves doing some side-projects, they just don't get to learn anything else.
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