
Fuck fucking fuckerty fuck I forgot to backup my projects code appearantly and now at least a week is lost F.U.C.K.

  • 1
    It happens -once. You are not alone. Lesson learned. Backup and periodically test the backups.
  • 0
    Just one thing to say ... use git
  • 2
    Version Control. We solved this problem decades ago.
  • 0
    Funny thing is (or wel, funny?) that I had that project on gitlab but for some reason the repo is empty while it wasn't two months ago. haven't touched anything and neither has my friend so this is a mystery...
  • 0
    Use a hosted git repo bitbucket or github. commit little and often; small change commit. I always finish the day by committing and pushing a working version. Uncommitted code doesn't exist.
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