  • 19
    Haha, we actually talked about how working in a cold environment increases work performance yesterday during lunch. Our office is crazy cold...
  • 4
    @ScriptCoded U really think coldness is better than coffee???
  • 17
    Sweet, time to code my nipples off!
  • 21
    Aren't they allowed to sleep in Japan?
  • 6
    Well that means im going to be cold and sleeping!
  • 6
    @Cyanide they are, you are supposed to be in before your superior and leave after him. Some people come early and continue sleeping at work until the superior walks in.
  • 7
    For me it is exactly inverse...

    My Work output = 100% , if temp >21 or 100/(21-temp) % if temp < 21
  • 8
    @aEEEdev 21? People still function then?
    15 or 16 deg C is the most ideal temperature. With 20 I'm sweating like crazy, standing in the rain keeps me dryer than 20 degrees.
  • 14
    @Codex404 ah you're that person everybody locks in the server room after they have touched the AC controls once.
  • 3
    Plug it out... problem solved
  • 1
    @JoshBent I don't touch AC, because most people like 18/19. I do tell them and sometimes they will put it lower for me.
  • 0
    @Codex404 It depends on the temperate zone you are used to. I am from South India (13* N )(Torrid Zone). We used to consider 25 as normal. But when you put me anywhere below 18, my productivity escapes through the window.
  • 1
    @Codex404 props for not being that one guy that just can't keep his penguin fingers off of the AC
  • 3
    @Cyanide the evolution of slavery
  • 2
    Does it help? I really want to know LOL
  • 1
    @SukMikeHok yeah, didn't they invent a robotic whip already?
  • 1
    @sherlock97 Haha. No way 😂
  • 2
    @Codex404 sweat at 20 C? 20 C is winter here, people wear 2 layer cloths when it happens.
    PS - I'm in a peninsular region.
  • 1
    @thekaleidoscope 20 degrees is an average summer day here.
  • 1
    Ahhh Japan. I honestly believe that they will obliterate their own nation i to ruins if they keep making shit like this a norm in regards to their work environment.

    Funny enough, I have friends from Mexico living in Japan that would tell me that Mexico is worse.

    Which makes me the merrier to live where I do....
  • 4
    @aEEEdev if that's your productivity formula, I'd set the temp to 20.(9) for infinite productivity :)
  • 3
    Hey boss we know, scientifically, that naps would be good for productivity. Maybe we should get some couches or something?

    NAPS? Never! Find me a buzzword solution to naps!
  • 1
    Who needs AI for that?
    Can humanity stop over engineering now?
  • 0
    It's known that warm offices are less productive.
    Wonder if freezing everybody will actually improve work output.
  • 3
    @sudocode and now show the AI code in the function call. How would it detect if someone is sleepy.
  • 3
    @Codex404 we are always sleepy!

    let atWork = true;


    employee.sleepy = true

  • 0
    @Wiciaki Oops bug found..
  • 0
    Thank God for sledgehammers.
  • 0
    if(employe.is sleeping()){
    airConditioner.setTemperature(AirConditioner. COLD)
    It's an if statement, baby.
  • 1
    Pattern matching and a few if-else aren't AI. Not even VI. 😫
    Fucking marketing buzz word bullshit!
  • 1
    @Yamakuzure an AI can be used to detect if employees are sleeping though.
  • 1
    @Codex404 Sure, but what for? My point is, that there is nothing "intelligent" on pattern matching. It's just some statistical math.
    And there is no need for seemingly intelligent interaction. What shall the AC do, anyway? Sing them a lullaby so it can have some fun turning on the freezer?
    To be a VI/AI it needs to have at least some basic self awareness, and some way for bidirectional interaction.
    It just pisses me off that software without any intelligence is so often called AI these days.
    When I see the Huawei P20 commercial on TV, talking about their "double AI", I have the urge to throw something heavy into the screen!
    I've combined kohonen nets into hopfield resonance nets as nodes before Steve Jobs presented the first iPhone. So I reckon that I am just overly picky... 🤔
  • 1
    @Yamakuzure hmm true. Ive seen deep learning as AI already. An AI focussed on a single task. It can do things we as devs didnt foresee during training.
  • 0
    I freeze on a regular basis even if its 24 degrees in the room and I have cozy winter clothes. No thank you.
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