What the hell apple?

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    Tim Cook is fucking nuts. Just sell the shit and don’t worry about what happens once that is completed
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    Apple and hell I think I heard about it somewhere 🤔
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    @FrodoSwaggins fair enough. Though I didn’t get at planned obsolescence. Apple gets wrongly blamed for that because their stuff tends to actually work long enough for software support to stop. My brother still uses an 5c. I definitely commend Tim Cook for privacy while being critical of his overall approach and approach to repairs.

    But he’s got to be aware that the company is making non-repairable devices. There are some composes that will fail. We can work this out statistically. I am of the opinion that you should be able to buy the parts and install it yourself if you have the confidence and equipment. Also that MacBooks should be book thickness not ultra slim almost like fucking card stock.

    Why bother controlling the repairs? Almost all their money comes from new sales. Even if they netted every apple repair in the world it would be a small chunk of revenue compared to new sales. How is it worth it?
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    @FrodoSwaggins my OnePlus 3 is entering its thrid year and getting the latest android version by the end of the year
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    apple is working with the communist chinese government to spy on their citizens. so i wouldn't say apple cares about privacy. https://reuters.com/article/...
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    @peaduaw please don't confuse "moving Chinese users iCloud keys to a Chinese data center due to Chinese regulations" as "deliberately aiding the Chinese in spying on their citizens"
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    @FrodoSwaggins I honestly wouldn't mind trying macos (I've got a Macbook from a colleague at home actually to try it out) but I'm so uncomfortable with the fact that even if I had the skills/wanted to, I can't inspect the source code, this has made that I want to try the Macbook but I don't want to enter passwords and sensitive details 😥

    Any advice on that one?
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    Apple without Steve Jobs is just a piece of shit
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    @mishaor I disagree. Jobs deserves a lot of credit for envisioning the iPhone but I can’t say how much further he would have gone. He wasn’t around through enough of the smart phone revolution to really say. As for the laptop side we want to bitch Apple out but look at an XPS or comparable model. Also largely non serviceable. Cook isn’t the end all be all and he’s much more broad thinking than jobs, eg all the accessories Apple has started making, but Apple is far from shit. Jobs gets more credit because the software for iPhone was revolutionary at the time. But it wasn’t inherently less buggy than modern iOS. Modern iOS just has so many more uses that bugs are a bigger problem. The I bug was really embarrassing but they marched on.
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    @FrodoSwaggins I have a 2013 17" model, extremely good machine. Runs a bit hot, but that's expected with that thickness. I even have real USB B ports 🙃
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    @jeeper but don't forget that the XPS is far less likely to need that servicing (repair-wise).
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    @chabad360 just Google "dell xps 15 issues". It is one of the worst laptops in terms of thermals and network adaptors. It has thermal throttling, power throttling, bad WiFi card, noisy fans at idle and coil whine. Almost all my friends who had that laptop returned it.
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    Also I'm yet to see a laptop which has a better build, support and lesser issues than a macbook.
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    @chabad360 do you have stats on that?
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    @vane all apples executives come down here for vacation and training :)
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    That's a no from the US, thanks.
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