Hey guys
Any russian here with patiante to teach me basic words?
Would really love to learn russian, but it's so hard since the written words are different...

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    Have you tried Duolingo?
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    Non native, but able to teach, kind of.
    You wanna start with the basics?
    Good mornin'=добре утра
    Добры вечер=good evening
    Пожалуйста= please
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    Haven't used my language skill for a while, so it is covered by a layer of rust :/
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    What about "мня зовут гжегож бженчишчикевич" ^^
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    Hello = Привет = Priwet
    Bye = Пока = Poka
    Fuck off (basically) = Пошел на хуй = Poshol na huy
    Beer = Пиво = Piwo
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    How are you? = Как дела? = Kak dela?
    Fine/good = Хорошо = Horosho
    Bad = Плохо = Plo'ho
    Fuck/fucking/shit/shitton (multitool, almost like блять) = Пиздец = Pizdetz
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    Fucking awesome/fucking great = Заебись = Zaebis'
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    These, indeed, are the most important words for human interaction.

    Your mom=твоя мать

    Я знаю жгегорж польское название.
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    Also good to know:
    Dickless piece of shit = ебаный гандон
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    Russian basic words that i know:
    1. Rush B
    3. Blyat

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    @TylerDDevRant That's exactly what I was talking about. That's greek for me...
    I would understand If I found translations like:
    Yes = Da
    No = Niet
    Thank you = Spaciba
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    @niederschlag Yes, that's exactly It... Letters that I can spell . Thank you. Could you make a litte more extensive list?
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    @irene Well, thanks nice girl, but I do not understand greek...
    I would prefer words I can spell.
    Then maybe a tool to check my pronunciation?
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    Did i hear my name?

    Ok i might add something to the mix:
    Priviet to the cheeky school of russian! Start CS:GO and get your vodka!

    Now repeat towarish: SUKA BLAT!
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    @irene You mean Ok google?
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    Words for: I, Me, You, They?

    Words for: Can you help me?
    Btw what is the word for help?
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    Help me = Pomogite mne =?
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    @irene You are awesome, as always
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    @irene Never noticed that google translate also has sound for pronunciation ... Thanks for the tip
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    @irene Хочешь пойти со мной?
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    @irene Paris? Мне нужно сначала разбогатеть
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    @irene I never do, Don't know you, but you're nice and have a sense of humor. :D
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    I wonder what would happen if I made this question in StackExchange...
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    "Jak rozpętałem drugą wojnę światową." a old polish film about second world war.
    The main hero did that stunt with now famous name (that he made up)
    -> Grzegorz Brzęczyszczykiewicz
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    Russian native speaker here. Try interpals, it has an option to find people for language exchange.
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    @jase Is that an invitation?
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    A russian friend of mine told me that spacibo is only utilized by citizens of moscow.
    Meanwhile any other place in Russia use to pronounce it spaciba ^^
    It's a dialect thingy.
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    אני לא מדבר רוסית
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    @Condor The say that a lot in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. but the translation is very strange...
    Dog fucker?
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    @GyroGearloose Most common in CS:GO, means "whore bitch" apparently
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    Oh boi. This is getting out of hand. xD
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    Раз, раз, раз, это хардбасс
    Все в спортивках Адидас
    И на Найке пацаны
    Слушают хардбасс басы
    Этот стайл любим мы
    Жгём все в ритме колбасы
    150 ударов тут
    Пацаны в спортивках жгут
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    You're lucky with wanting to learn russian, because different to tagalog, there's tons of great apps that help you learn it, just look in the appstore e.g. duolingo should have it, then there's also the "drops" app series.
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    @JoshBent What tha fuck do you mean?
    Time, time, time, it is hardbass
    All in sports Adidas
    And on Nike guys
    Listening to hardbass bass
    We like this style
    We burn everything in the rhythm of sausage
    150 strokes here
    Guys in sportswear harness
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    @JoshBent Well, I started learning Russian before my burn out.
    And had a Russian saleswoman gladly helping me... Lots of Apps, Bluetooth earing to learn while on work...
    Then, I had to pick only one thing to continue study and had to pick CNC to improve at work...

    So, I learned the real basics, Da, Niet, Spaciba, Priviet, and that's it.
    Now I really want to learn it.
    Don't know why... French to me sounds like a hore talking, and Russian sound like romantic and rustic.

    Spaciba for all the help so far. This is actually enough, to learn small words for now (create a relation base)
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    @GyroGearloose it's a russian hardbass song I've come across :)

    Spasibo* (pronounced a, written o) it'll be tough to get a/o right, they are often rule-less and just by feeling, good luck on your journey.
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    @JoshBent Not the pronunciation, but she didn't tell me how it was written, thanks for the tip :D
    I'll just lean a few words now and then, now that I'm getting my memory back, and eventually, I'll find another Russian to fuck with
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    Na = That
    Word for they?
    mne = you
    Tam = there
    zdes = here
    you are = ty
    not = ne
    ni = us
    Is this right?
    And the prase for:
    I don't speak Russian
    I'm learning to speak Russian

    Source = https://youtu.be/QlA3n_yWVX8
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    It's neither "me" nor "my".
    It's really difficult to find an american pronunciation for this word.

    Same for рыба (fish)
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    Maybe the "y" in "pyramid" comes close enough.
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    So this is what I have :D

    hello = = priwet
    bye = = poka
    how are you? = = kak dela?
    fine/good = = horosho
    Fuck off = Poshol na huy
    Fuck/fucking/shit/shitton = Pizdetz
    Fucking awesome/fucking great = Zaebis'
    thank you = spasiba
    yes = da
    no = niet
    not = ne

    i, me - ya
    for me = mne
    you = (singular ti) (plural/formal vi)
    you are = ty
    us = mi
    he - on
    she - ona
    it - ono
    they - oni (it reads as in kiwi)
    that = to
    there = tam
    here = zdes
    us= ni

    bitch whore = cyka blyat
    whore = blyat
    bad = = plo'ho
    beer = = piwo
    boner - stoyak
    I don't speak Russian. = Ya ne govoriu po russki.
    I am learning Russian. = Ya uchu russkiy.
    Can you help me? - Mozhete pomoch mne?
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    Bye=paka not poka
    Same for Poshol.
    It's mit Pashol.
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    @irene Can you give the correct word for us then please?
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    Google translate loves my russian speacking

    Ya ne govoriu po russki = I sometimes boards I spoke in Russian

    I am disabled in a wheelchair

    I am disabled in Russian
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    Don't forget about.
    Krassiwaja Djeinshina (pretty woman)
    Красивая женщина, шло по шоссе

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    @TylerDDevRant broken russian, sounds mostly more like ukrainian
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    @irene Oh, had us twice, one was correct.
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    @irene can't be a russian native with ukrainian :P
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    @TylerDDevRant depending on dialect tho
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    If you really want to learn Russian, you can write me on Skype. I give personal lessons. There are some free lessons on my site https://learnrussian4u.com/reading-...
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