Why do a lot of people on this site get away with typos? I mean, we're supposed to be devs, typos kill us.. From 'postion' instead of 'position', i can do this all day.. i get it, the point is getting the thought across, and, by all means, the thought came across just fine.. it just irks the mind thinking its supposed to be a dev community yet, quite ironically, it is peppered with typos.. dont even wanna get started with the your/you're, the there/their/they're and the than/then.. i mean, how can you not know its proper usage? Is it really that hard? If you can't use it properly, then don't.. if you can't form a sentence without using it, consider not saying/posting and get back to school first..

Imagine an internet where one corner could at least be decent enough to be proficient in the simplest thing: using words..

  • 5
    Controversial first post, albeit I take your side 😅

    Welcome to DevRant 😉
  • 13
    Just before explaining your and you're, you've missed an apostrophe in "dont"
  • 5
    @VikiMaster2 thanks.. long time lurker actually
  • 2
  • 14
    Well I mean if you are going to rant at people for making typos you should probably use apostrophes and capitalize.

    Also this is social media not code; most people have a 'lax' attitude on social media in which they decide that its fine to shorten terms and don't really bother with typos. That's just their choice and it suits the way social media works.
  • 2
    Ever since I dont have a windows phone anymore I make quite a bit of typos on my phone. Im to lazy to correct them especially since most of the messages I send are send from bed. While slowly waking up.
  • 1
    @VikiMaster2 your and youre are two different things with its own meaning understood with or without apostrophe's.. i dont see a point in apostrophe's actually.. haha
  • 2
    @qwerty77asdf yes, in the end it's the writer's choice, but I also see it as respect with your interlocutor. If you don't care how you write, why should I care to read it?
  • 1
    @critlock92 I alluded to it still being a type of typo but it doesn't matter 😅
  • 1
  • 1
    @qwerty77asdf i think caps and apostrophes dont matter much as the meaning never change (unless if its an acronym for caps, and in some rare cases for apostrophes).. its the actual wrongness in the spelling of words that grinds my gears.. btw, what are people doing with the time they save on not spellchecking anyway?
  • 10
    @critlock92 dude, you're criticizing and telling people to go back to school while not understanding it yourself. Apostrophes are used to shorten terms ie. Don't is a contraction of Do Not; You're is a contraction of You Are. When S is apostrophised it is a lost contraction for ownership. It used to be one would add "es" ie. Critlockes to symbolise ownership; people started using a contraction and now it is Critlock's. You are using the apostrophe incorrectly with "I don't see a point in apostrophe's actually" that apostrophe you used is not supposed to be there as it is a plural.

    Capitals are used for neatness and to show names and etc, it helps us to interpret words.
  • 5
    And when talking about your you're and their there and they're. I do know the difference, but Im not an english native, if I would put more time and effort in my posts here I can do it without mistakes.
    Im programming since Im 12, I do know english for only 5 years now (when I was 18), self taught.
  • 3
    @critlock92 spell checking is not hard, correcting things on the phone is. If I want to change one letter somewhere I cannot get the cursor their. Most of the times I would have to retype 20 letters to fix one.

    Let MS bring out phones again and I can type blindly without mistskes.
  • 3
    @critlock92 since you are a spelling master, tell me, I always thought the plural of "apostrophe" was "apostrophes" and not "apostrophe's" llike you said in one of your comments.
  • 1
    @qwerty77asdf fair point.. and by that remark, i simply meant that in my usage of apostrophes.. for example, instead of "mark's phone", i use "phone of mark".. for caps, that me being lax i guess.. i hope i cleared that one out..

    And please, if i may ask.. does ranting about something and making that same mistake make me seem less credible or even hypocritical? Im not immune to it, merely stating what irks me.. i get irked out by my own doing.. its possible
  • 5
    @critlock92 Your grammar and spelling seems to suck as well. I like correct grammar, capitalization and spelling as well. If you feel the need to criticize others though, make sure you know how do these three.
  • 0
    @Codex404 never said you didnt know the difference.. i believe you and the points you made.. why the hostility?
  • 0
    @Codex404 im not a spelling master.. simply said it irked me out
  • 5
    @critlock92 yes, that does make you hypocritical and in-credible (not credible). Also, that method of reference is quite outdated .
  • 6
    Hm. I like the message, but seriously, if you're going to complain about grammar and typos, please make sure you type correctly yourself, first.

    Just a bit of friendly advice.
  • 1
    You should see the code my coworkers write sometimes, it’d probably give you a heart attack lol
  • 0
    @irene i see.. i merely ranted coz im on devrant.. it seems to be a requirement for somebody to not be vulnerable of things they would rant about.. i dont care of credibility coz its a rant, i dont intend to convince others of its legitimacy.. hence, being hypocritical is of no value..

    For what its worth, i may own a number of PhD's or a hobo with a phone.. it doesnt matter (at least it doesnt have to), coz its a rant.. i dont have to be immune to it
  • 1
    @GMR516 its a rant, not a complaint..
  • 1
    @qwerty77asdf not a native english speaker.. the translations for our language make use of that syntax instead of the apostrophes.. i apologize for the confusion but its not outdated, just different
  • 1
    @irene why the need to feel insulted? I see us as a community.. and if felt the need for it, express the needs for self improvement..

    Is there no place for introspection here?
  • 4
    @critlock92 for the English language it is outdated. It used to use that form but now uses apostrophes. You should note that there are many non-native speakers here and that you complaining about all people here whilst using the reasoning that being non-native exempts you from lingual rules is invalid.
  • 0
    @qwerty77asdf I never said i was excused.. as you see, its still is a perfectly coherent and valid english statement.. i dont use english as a primary mode of daily communication either.. so when i do use it, i translate.. and when i translate, it seems to lack the need for apostrophes in its possesive properties..
  • 0
    @irene i apologize then.. never intended for it to be an insult and seeing as it did, i apologize..
  • 3
    But why are you using double fullstops?
  • 2
    @leksyib my guess was a shorter version of "..."
  • 0
    @critlock92 no hostility from my side, just explaining one reason spelling mistakes are made and not corrected.
  • 4
    @critlock92 the problem with you apostrophes is that you dont use them when they are mandatory, but the times Ive seen you use the apostrophes they shouldnt be there.

    Yes Im also not using apostrophes but im not nagging about other peoples language skills.

    And the reason why I might show some hostility from now on is because you just said "im not a native english speaker and in my language blahblahblah" so what? In German every noun has to be capitalized. Should that exempt German speakers from calitalizing every noun in English? No, so next time you find the need to insult people you might want to look at yourself first.
  • 1
    And BTW (is it allowed or is it considered a typo?) people also write here from the app -> from their phone -> not from their usual coding habitat.

    Not that it's an excuse, but neither is to write apostrophes randomly and Miss the contractions in "don't" and failed capitalization!
  • 4
    @critlock92 What irks me are people like you! You insult someone like me who is kind and trys to write in a foreign language. Sure, I make mistakes, but who the fuck cares, if everyone knows what I meant to say? You shouldn't!
    And what the fuck this has to do with the ability to write code?
    I started coding when I didn't even knew one english word! That was 33 years ago.

    I can write flawless code on paper, can you?

    Go f you'r self kid!
  • 1
    Ingleesh is not averyone fist lengege
  • 1
    @DataJockey i dont intend to insult.. i hope to make that perfectly clear.. it is my intent to spew what irks me out..

    I make mistakes as much as the next guy.. and i agree, who should give a shit if the point was understood? I agree with this completely.. is it at all possible to see the rant as it is: a rant? Coz thats all it is.. not an insult nor a complaint
  • 2
    I guess english has evolved to, by default, easily miscontsrued to have an offensive tone..
  • 0
    @irene only if its a complaint
  • 1
    @critlock92 its still is -> it still is *
  • 1
    I've met Aussie Bogans spelt bon apple tea...imagine the French they were trying to say was in English, I suppose it makes a little bit more sense perhaps?

    G'day mate ;P
  • 0
    @VikiMaster2 i noticed.. i hope its evident that im not immune to it and it irks me out.. yet, somehow, i cant rant about it? The post was meant to be from an introspective position.. that was missed by a lot, it seems
  • 0
    @critlock92 As child Ive learned that I cant complain about things I cannot do better unless Ive got constructive criticism. All I see here is the opposite of constructive criticism and that is what makes it useless/insults/unwanted.

    "your code is fucking ugly" is an insult where "your code could look better if you indent it like this and this" is constructive and welcomed.
  • 0
    @Codex404 again, i did not complain.. it is meant to be spoken from a position of which i include myself as its recipient as i too make such mistakes.. doesnt make it wrong for me to say it irks me out..

    I see the point of it being offensive if looked at at a certain way (me shouting to all of you that typos are evil while i do make ones myself).. but i believe ive stressed it enough that that was not the case
  • 0
    @critlock92 if it was just for yourself then why share it here xD
  • 0
    @critlock92 and saying something annoys you is the definition of complaining.
  • 0
    @critlock92 Dude, you're ranting about typos and have problems with interpunction and ortography. Pick your fights.
    Apostrophes do matter, as well as size of the letters and commas, and dots.
  • 0
    @Codex404 it wasnt just for myself.. instead, i include myself in its recipients..

    Anyway, bottomline: i get annoyed by typos.. mine or otherwise.. its pretty clear i meant the misspelling of words, not by misuse brought by apostrophes.. "your welcome" haunts me, "youre welcome" not as much..

    "your code is fucking ugly" can be its own constructive criticism depending on reception.. you can opt to not take insult in it, you are an adult and i am on a phone..
  • 0
    @mazabin again, i translate from a language that when translated to english renders apostrophes moot.. thats why i said i dont see the use in it.. it wasnt intended as a general statement
  • 1
    @critlock92 So, you're not writing these posts in English?
  • 0
    @mazabin instead of "mark's phone", the translation goes to "phone of mark".. see my point? Its still english, still syntantically correct, but of a different form.. a form in which apostrophes, in its possesive use case, is rendered moot
  • 1
    @critlock92 It doesn't matter. You're using English - you don't have to use apostrophes when you know how to avoid them, but you're givinig example that you don't always avoid them - "it's" means something different than "its".
    Aditionally, you are using some weird double dot instead of single one or triple one and are not using big letters properly in words. My native language also is different in syntax than English, but please - if you want to rant about typos, be sure that, you can use that language correctly.
  • 0
    @mazabin i agree.. but thats another conversation born out of this rant: i make the same mistakes of which i get irked out by.. am i hypocritical in doing so? Maybe.. does the validity of my statement diminish? The community suggests so, and i find that hard to understand.. i personally dont care of hypocrisy in this forum coz its only a function of approval in that people generally find it hard to trust hypocrites.. i dont ask for approval (hence dont care for being a hypocrite in this forum) coz its not devConvince, its devRant.. by the logic of this community, only experts can ever talk critically about anything, rendering the very essence and core of social media moot
  • 2
    can we hav linter hre?
  • 2
    @critlock92 Then I guess I'm ranting about your hypocrisy.
  • 0
    @mazabin then thats perfectly fine.. xD

    But to suggest that i should not criticize coz im wrong myself, that, i cant seem to understand..
  • 1
    @critlock92 how is "your code is fucking ugly" constructive. Nothing is implying how it would be better.
  • 0
    @Codex404 you as the potential receiver of it could opt to, even if the intent is to actually insult you.. you dont have to, of course.. you can still feel insulted by an actual insult like a normal human being.. i am just of the persuation that you guys here are a notch better..
  • 1
    @critlock92 I dont feel it as an insult but it still is an insult. I just dont care what other people think about me. There are like 4 people who can really hurt me.

    But because of my past I cant stand insults at all, if I see someone throwing around insults then I have to fight it, its a part of the light form of OCD I have. If I dont do that I will have a bad day.
  • 0
    @Codex404 i apologize for that and i try not to insult you any further.. it just wasnt my intent, thats all..

    I think its a case of "the pot calling the kettle block" (typo intended) for me and it was received as though i meant "the black pot calling the kettle black".. my issue was for the times it was misused and had its semantics differently and was responded to as though i have no credibility to point out such because i made such mistakes myself (which was fine, but still wrong IMO).. missed the point i was trying to make
  • 0
    @Codex404 if i was told that my code was fucking ugly, it can only get better from there.. thats how i turn it into something constructive.. let them waste their energy berating my code, the grind shall live on..
  • 1
    @critlock92 lets skeep my indentation example. Lets say you are using 9 spaces. If you then think to remove all the spaces after I said that it hasnt really improved a bit and might have made it less readable.

    Tell a baker his cake is bad and he cannot do anything about it.
    Tell a baker his cake is way to sweet and he can decide if he wants to change the recipe or keep it as it is.
  • 0
    @Codex404 i get the point..

    Telling the baker his cake was bad while you yourself was as much a bad baker or worse as he was wont make make your cake any better or worse, wont it?
  • 1
    @critlock92 im a shitty baker, but I can still tell the baker his cake is to sweet in my opinion. Because that is constructive criticism.
  • 0
    @irene hmm im not so good with words though.
  • 0
    @irene I had to retype almkst every comment and leave better parts just because I couldnt find the correct word for some things. In my mind everything was more complete.
  • 0
    @Codex404 point agreed.. the choices baker will have will still be pretty same though, doesnt it? He can change his recipe or not, regardless of your opinion of it, right?
  • 0
    @critlock92 but if there is no opinion he can make it even sweeter which people dont like
  • 0
    @Codex404 my point is that your credibility and/or subsequent hypocrisy shouldnt matter as it is still bad nonetheless.. it shouldnt invalidate your claim on the ground of you being a bad baker yourself..
  • 2
    Haha, a rant full of typos that is about typos. Either it's self-ironic, or the OP is flat out stupid.
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