First time people have forked and stared one of my github repositories.
Kinda exciting, but also scary. (they're looking at my terrible code)

  • 2
    I know the feeling. Is it a project you are proud of?

    In my case it was my silly site http://jsRant.com on GitHub
  • 0
    @ChappIO I'm happy people seem to like it, but it is kind of a hack. It's a gif recording library for the love2d game engine.
  • 1
    Consider it a learning opportunity. Look at the changes people are committing into their forks and try to understand why they've made those changes, maybe even discuss the changes with them. You might learn something new :)
  • 0
    @alyx That's what I hope to do! As of yet they're all synced with mine, though.
  • 0
    good one....
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