
Could do with some dev input here.

Going to rename most of my projects before I start them up again just for some consistency amongst everything so...

Because I name my projects internally as a different tree for each milestone (1.0 is maple, 2.,0 is pine etc) I'm going to have my other stuff follow a tree related naming scheme, first up is my game engine/framework...

It's currently called the 'Mod Engine' but I have 3 idea's and want to know people opinions

- Woodsman Engine
- Lumberjack Engine
- Lumber Engine

Which is best do you think or can anyone think of any better ideas? :-3

  • 7
    I like lumberjack better. Also it goes well with your shirt
  • 2
    @CptFox that was 100% unintentional haha
  • 3
    I vote for lumberjack.
    Lumber engine doesn’t sound right.
  • 4
    @C0D4 agreed. Lumber engine sounds either slow and lumbering in or like it runs off wood. Lumberjack engine sounds hardworking.
  • 5
    Sounds similar to Amazon Lumberyard though (though that is also a horrible name for an engine, so unwieldy).

    I vote for Lumberjack too (ah, Age of Empires memories).

    Alpine (though that's already a Linux distro)
  • 1
    @RememberMe Yeah I realised that after I thought of it, and I might use some of the names for version milestones after Pine.

    Was just thinking something tree related because of my internal naming scheme
  • 3
    Maple, Pine, how about Aspen next? Or Oak? Elm-gine-eous Engine? Alternatively I'd also vote for Lumberjack.. just that a profession seems to be an oddball when put next to tree types 😕
  • 4
    What about Chainsaw?
  • 3
    @joycestick wanted to say the same. Somehow I think 'Chainsaw Engine' sounds the best
  • 4
    @host127001 It’s the fact that a chainsaw is/has an engine. That sort of consistency is important to me.
  • 2
    @joycestick I'm in the middle about that but I agree it makes sense, definitely a valid option
  • 2
    @lxmcf Yeah, sorry to throw a new option in when you didn’t ask for one. To answer your original question, I’d vote for Lumberjack.
  • 5
    @joycestick @host127001 it completely demolishes the previous releases in terms of features!! 😁
    Oh goddqmnit. I'm acting like a wanketeer, am I not 😅
  • 1
    @joycestick No all good, I did ask for other options :-3
  • 2
    Canada engine
  • 3
    Just put it all in the Fireplace
  • 2
    Definitely agree with the previous comments: lumberjack
  • 2
    Guess we are going with lumberjack.

    Now to find someone to design the logo I have in mind :-D
  • 1
    @lxmcf I can still contact Alice for that?
  • 2
    @Condor hmmm, maybe, going to see if I can give up with some rough drafts first
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