
It happened me a few years ago. I live in the Netherlands, but I am Hungarian. My new "friends" asked me to fix their laptop. I did it for free. It turns out, it was a huge mistake. In the next half a year I've solved several issues to them and to their family members (I don't get it, how they can ruin a well working hardware and software that fast, but it is another story). It takes a lot from my free time at the end. Then I had enough and ask some money to fix the next laptop. The price wasn't high, a bit more than a half of the repair shop's price. They tried to press me to do it for free, cos "you are our friend and you are hungarian too, we have to help each other out". I said no. It is too much. I've never seen them again...

  • 11
    Wow that sucks man, but after all it's probably a good riddance. Next thing you know they want a free site :')
  • 4
    You were nice but fair is fair. They would not ask their doctor to continue to do free work and should not expect you to at this point .
  • 6
    friends that are friends only because of benefits are not your friends and you are better without them
  • 5
    @azous Yes. I've learned that for my entire life. :) I thought I could to belong to a nice community. But I was disappointed. It's not the first time, I've never had a real community. I have only few real friends. They don'tknow each other and they live all in different countries. But I'm happy with it now. It was harder as a kid. :)
  • 2
    @zaturek yeah, I know that feel :/
  • 4
    Hate to say this but people like that aren't your real friends. I know what it is like, experienced the same many times.
  • 2
    Same situation for me. Hungarian living in London . I feel you brother.
  • 1
    Your next friend will understand
  • 2
    Same here. When I meet with some friends of friends, I am very affraid to tell them my job, so I usually say I am working as a sales man for the company. Nobody wants to talk about a salesman's life. (Ugyanitt bojler eladó)
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