
WTF is wrong with Google, their new UI changes for Android are ugly af!

  • 14
    *makes phones with OLED screens*

    Hmmm, we could still use black elements and give the OLED some actual use, nah fuck it let's make everything white!
  • 1
    @lxmcf exactly... I wonder what they are smoking ...
  • 6
    @gitpush Im a mass google fanboy and would defend almost anything they do but I almost like the new material design 2.0... if it wasn't so blindingly white...

    Why do we need a white navbar?
  • 0
    @lxmcf why do we need material design 2, tbh it is ugly especially new Google drive and Gmail web they are bad :/
    And that blinding bright apps they do now is just bad. Especially that new Google play update, it is really confusing checking those app description
  • 4
    @gitpush I honestly like the new material deisgn but I feel it needs more texture like blur and obviously less white everywhere.

    It's not perfect but it's probably my favourite design language

    Edit: just got the playstore update and can confirm it contains like 40 different forms of material design, not good...
  • 2
    as long as I can still figure out how to use it and no common tasks are hidden behind too many taps, I don't really care what it looks like.

    that being said, my personal favorite design language is Microsoft's. Especially the way the taskbar calendar responds to your mouse hovering. That shit is cool.
  • 1
    @lxmcf they admitted. ;-)
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