
Why hasn't anything happened to me which i can rant about?!

  • 4
    just brag about how life is beautiful and you're blissfully happy and joyful and you love life and within 24 hours life will prove you wrong.

    trust me, it works every time for me.
  • 1
    Throw something from building without opening window and start yelling at people that your life is to perfect.
  • 1
    Use either of these and you will rant for life:

    1. Windows

    2. XCode

    I use both and I am losing it :\
  • 1
    How to be you?
  • 2
    You are probably the reason everyone else rants
  • 2
    @gitpush hahaha i guess thats the problem i use none of those!!
  • 1
    @yanchi watch the movie whatever works!
  • 2
    @electrineer fuck i didnt think of that!
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