I noticed several people blaming the new Chrome update for breaking their CSS. From what I know Chrome did not "break" anything. Using browser quirks, experimental features, and deprecated code typically results in this. When you see a "neat trick" on a blog, Stack Exchange, JsFiddle, whatever, be sure to research what you are about to implement. Especially if it has a post date older than 2 years.

  • 2
    what particular items were breaking out of curiosity?
  • 0
    And here my only gripes were that now the extensions seem to take up far more space on the screen than they used to, and a few other design points
  • 2
    now, that's a rant ! and be sure to check on caniuse.com before dropping an experimental thing for the first time to avoid the 'but it works for me' syndrome
  • 0
    I just read this well and I was wondering how this could happen. Only major change I noticed a year ago in a chrome update was that * { display: block; } made script and style tags display whereas before it didn't , but apart from that nothing has broken recently I dont think
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