
I often get this question:
"I have this old computer. Can you fix it?"

My brother is a helicopter pilot, and he will probably never get this question:
"I have this old helicopter, that is literally falling apart. Will you fly it for me?"

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    - Why it's so slow? Can you make it faster?
    - ...you bought it in 2004... I'm not a magician!
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    @JS96 You *could* make it faster by replacing some (if not all) of the parts, though that's probably not worth the effort/money
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    I know more people who own computers than people who own helicopters.
    Also, a broken computer usually does'nt end with people falling from the sky and dying (maybe in stallites?).
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    try downloading more ram
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    Do it and bill them for all the new parts
    Make sure to buy top of the line components so they never ask you again
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    I got this question once, I was being sarcastic when I said to run a Linux os and it will be as good as new :/

    So they said, OK do that.

    And I did.

    And they were happy.

    OK, then
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    @ElectricCoffee the sarcasm was only because I thought they wouldn't care for that. To my surprise, x2, they went with it and yeah, it was a huge success... They're still using it 2 years later. Its a laptop and battery has gone, but with the power plugged in it works just great.
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