
I was assigned a girl that's new to the industry (but with a master's degree).

I had high hopes, as people told me she is quite a curious fellow. As I am just a junior Dev with 2 yrs of experience Ididn't know if I could handle her.

We started working on a project. Which was a change request for a previous project I had developed. I gave her 2 days to read and understand the functional requirements of previous project and this CR. Then explained everything too.

Then I gave here another 3 days to read the previous design document to learn how this code worked.

I asked her multiple times if she has any questions. She said she got everything. Cool.

One week goes by. We start to code the CR while she is shadowing me. I explained why we chose one of the two approaches. And why we are making any of the changes. She as usual nodded in agreement.

I asked her to create Unit test cases.

She couldn't write even one. So, I quizzed her, she knew nothing about the project! Nothing at all!


I wrote down the test cases in short hand and told her to document it (by reffering previous UTC). She wrote the test cases in short hand in the document. And she reused the previous document and did not even clean it out.

After fixing the document I asked her to execute them. But nope, she doesn't even know how the application flows for this project. FML.

It took her 3 days to write and test 8 test cases.

Now she is assigned to me in another project. This one is more complicated. And I gave her a function skeleton to complete. I figured that it will take me 15 minutes so let's give her a day. But nope. 3 days no progress.

I get it someone might not be quick to grasp something. But you know what grinds my gears? That even after this you act like a know it all! Fuck! For someone who hasn't worked with her she is the most dilligent developer.

How the fuck does someone survive masters and suck so bad!

  • 11
    because having a master or even college degree means you are very successful

    ... ;)
  • 12
    @rstular that's sexist!

    I like it. 😂

    BTW, having a master degree doesm't mean being able to do the stuff. I had a classmate during the bachelor degree that was smart a rock. She would have lost in a IQ challenge with the dumbest animal ever existed on this planet (my cat). Still, she managed to get that degree.. and the master's one too.

    She had the astonishing ability to read something and vomiting it during exams. And since she had all previous exams of previous years....
    But if something changed, even the smallest bit, she was lost.
    Plus, she had family members in the school staff.

    MFW when she got that master degree...
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    After been spending years in academic, I've realised that even PhDs nowadays don't really mean much...it's just a piece of certificate and you shouldn't blindly trust it
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    It is all about company politics, talk a lot, deliver nothing but make sure it is not your fault

    Also, 2 years means you are not a junior anymore. Congratulations.
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    @mundo03 wouldn't agree with that 2year thingy.. you have people who work for companies for more and are still clueless how to handle simple tasks.. :/
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    I have a collegue with a master in CS and a PhD in Robotics. She wasn't able to read a stupid class diagram in UML (with internet connection available).
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    This is a quality rant. Have my ++.
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    A lot of highly educated people have good memory. This is where it ends. Using their brain for logical and/or creative tasks is impossible. It they have formally learnt something and is applicable to current situation they might be able to solve a problem, otherwise they're screwed. Other people (management) trust them because of their formal degree and because they can talk a lot about a topic, regardless of practical value.
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    @SukMikeHok What? Why the fuck did you tag me?
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    Yes and no. Before being able to create, one needs to be able to reproduce what others had done before. Thinking oneself being smarter than everyone else is purely an attitude problem, I've met really intelligent people meanwhile being really arrogant... There's nothing you can do about it besides walking away from it
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    @sladuled that means they are stupid, not junior.
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    @mundo03 Still... people should not get seniority rank just because of the work time.. I'm working on same project for years and still don't consider myself a senior.
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    @sladuled .. but senior litterally means the person spent time on the shit.
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    @mundo03 yeah, literally.. but in terms of junior/senior devs I take it a senior is the one who understands shit they are doing inside out, blindfolded & in the middle of the night.. but then again this might just be my view, not what others think..
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    @sladuled i agree but disagree too :)
    It is also a matter of self appreciation and understanding that you will never know it all
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    Update- 4 days ni progress on one function. One simple function.

    A function for which I wrote the pseudocode as well. She still couldn't write one.
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    @gvnix Damn. Something is wrong. With her. Not just intellectually.
    Is she pompous and arrogant? Shy and insecure? Have you ever seen her code, something she made outside of your company?
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    @nnee She just doesn't want to learn anything I guess. This was the feedback given to me by one of the senior dev who was forced to work with her.

    Another Dev said that she can't be groomed.
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    Assuming I understood correctly I've met some of people like that. Some think that because they have a degree their learning process is over as they successfully create them selves an illusionary of knowing everything. These are pure assholes.
    Others realized that their field does not interest them anymore and they give up learning new things, makes it hard for them to put effort.
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    Update 2
    Day 5 no work done

    So apparently she has 'theoretical' knowledge of java. Whatever that means.

    She doesn't even know collections. I doubt how she passes any coding exam.
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