
User: Hey, we got a big issue with one of your tools. One of your pages isn't loading.
Me: Ok, so when did this happen?
User: We don't know? Its been like that for a long time though, so we thought it was normal 😃
Me: ....ok. So do you know what data is supposed to appear?
User: Uhhh we're not sure as well. Since, you know, its been like that for a while.

Just great 😑

  • 4
    Clients, always helpful! </sarcasm>
  • 2
    "that is indeed hwo its supposed to be, why did you think it was an issue?"
  • 1
    @Codex404 actually, some new staffs were handling this thing, and they actually thought it was a feature or something. It was when their manager asked them to search for some data at the page that they realized that it was an error
  • 0
    @nai87 "no, it is a feature indeed, that came with the latest update."
    "bug you say? No, Im pretty sure its a feature, we might improve it next update"
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