
Just got a call from someone claiming to be from an ISP (they assumed we were with them because that ISP is one of the popular options, we weren't) they claimed that someone was using our internet illegally (which they cannot find out from what I know unless it really was an assumption), that were using too much data (we are on an unlimited plan and have fibre LOL)

The nerve of some people, my dad was the one who answered the phone and when he handed it off to me, they hung up LOL.

So in saying that i have their phone number thanks to my router's caller id, anyone want it to sell off to more scammer for some good ol' karma?

  • 7
    Post it on 4chan
  • 1
    Ah okay i guess i will
  • 1
    Post the phone number
  • 2
    I would double penetrate those fuckers.

    Post it on 4chan or something but also notify the authorities, in some countries there's even an internet fraud division. Oh and you could also notify the provider they claimed they are, as they probably aren't to happy about someone abusing their name...
  • 2
    @Wack Hah yeah I actually filled a report with NetSafe, a company that handles scam reported incidents, I'll post it on 4chan sometime today though.

    I guess I could call the other ISP, just hope I'm not stuck with a sales person lol, last time we called to cancel with them, they sent us through to a sales guy to try talk us out of the cancellation, it was pretty sad

    @c3ypt1c 033587863 Go Nuts!
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