a friend of mine, phd, who lives in Not america, got offered 200k$/year as a software engineer to work in america. he refused because he hates america.

  • 24
    Valid reason I would say!
  • 12
    I wouldn't do it either
  • 1
    Depending on the underlying reasons that decision can be interpreted as either fair or idiotic.
  • 16
    As an American, I hate him right back. 🙂
  • 2
    Can't blame her. There are many countries i won't work in for a number of reasons(you can't force me to work on India for example, not even if there was a fire!) Pretty sure she has hers albeit 200k a year is excellent in practically all of the continental U.S. would have been a great offer imo since you can live like a king with that. Shit I make way less and live really fucking good.
  • 4
    I won't even fucking travel to the US until they decide to put other people at the border than the most obnoxious assholes the country can muster up.
  • 2
    And I'm trying to get out of America. Any takers from across the Atlantic? 😂
  • 0
  • 0
    @iKameo I'm planning to come visit Berlin for 2 weeks on vacation this year. Going to get as best a feel for the area before I commit to working there after I graduate in the spring.
  • 0
    he is damn right xD
  • 1
    South , Central or North?
  • 0
    200k where? East coast or west coast? Near a hotspot like sf or nyc or something more sensible?

    Seeing rent for a small Appartement in San Francisco made me flip my shit and be thankful for the German up market prices for a change
  • 0
    “This is America”. I just drop it here.
  • 0
  • 2
    What's so bad about the US?
  • 3
    Gun Violence
    Drug Wars

    Only to name a few things...
  • 1
    I don't think I'd even get in if I wanted too. 😅
  • 0
    Im not a fan of 1/4 of America believe in God! I think that's a bit weird, where I'm from we pretending to be so we can get married, have funerals and stuff.
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