
Just another day , playing fortnite again . Got my wife frustrated over the past few days , once more today she pulled the plug while i was playing on my PC

I can't take it anymore guys , its so hard to get rid of it .

I mean the wife , yeah. Thank god for divorce . Just filed for divorce ! Yep , I didn't think it would be this hard but I found the one for meself and I'm not going to let her go .

Fortnite I mean.

Jus kiddin, But really what the hell is with all this fortnite divorce stuff..
You don't talk about addictions like weed , or alcohol that make people widow their wives or even kill them but somehow this is trending now and the game is the reason!

Fuck you world , for giving birth to humans. This feels like the fucking stone age damn it . Senseless fuckers spreading news like this undermining all the real fuckery going on.

A world where fortnite causing divorce is news and where drug addictions and related murders and deaths are too mainstream is just stupid.

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    Gaming can lead to an addiction - while it might no be a potentially deadly one alcohol, it is an official illness, classified by the WHO.
    All addictions can lead to situations where the subject of the addiction is more important than people around - inclyding family and friends.

    And why is an increasing amount of divorces because of gaming (highlighting Fortnite in articles is better for publishers) not "news"? It may show society has a problem with excessive gaming.
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    @sbiewald gaming as an addiction is definitely something to be aware of . gaming long hours can kill you too , deep vein thrombosis . Now , that that's out of the way. The article focusing on fortnite is just as destructive , advertising the game and making passionate gamers reconsider the game due to its effectiveness . people already know cocaine is addictive and is an infamous drug WHICH IS EXACTLY WHY they go for it.
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    @Jilano exactly, also why is being addicted to coffee or coding not in the news along with fortnite. Anything not productive being shunned is the best way to create more holes in people.
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    I didn't know kids could marry! Fortnight and marry don't brlong in the same sentence.
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