
Some people just lack so much independence, damnit!
Einmal mit Profis arbeiten ... ! (*) 😒

(*) German expression that expresses depending on tone or context a mild to severe frustration as well as the desire to work with qualified people just ... once?! Maybe?! Please?! Often used in IT and dev contexts, because - you know.

  • 2
    Indeed, einmal mit Profis...
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    Good way to start my journey to learn german!
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    Einmal zumindest! :(
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    @HRT-713 Always glad to help! :D

    Now I'm thinking about other typical german expressions in the same field, but atm I can't think of any. ^^"
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    Ich habs doch gleich gesagt.
    Alles Idioten!
    Ich hasse Menschen!
  • 3
    Zum Konzentrationslager!
  • 0
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    @xewl meh, probably not - if you don't want all those horrified stares.

    It's a part of the history you don't joke about for obvious reasons: there actually died and suffered too many people.
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    @rfc7168 I'm Belgian.. People shouldn't be so hard on themselves to talk about history. It's better to joke away about it than to have absolute ignorance over it. But that's the difference between Belgians and Germans, I've truly noticed. I can't respect being silenced, that's just the whole story all over again.

    When you put 1 absolute context over 1 certain word indefinitely, you're doing it wrong.
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    We have it easier.

    It works: Oida!
    It doesn't work: Oida!
    He is so f*cking stupid: Oida!

    But einmal mit Profis arbeiten would be nice.
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    @xewl Yeah, it's probably a cultural thing.

    (I'd agree with you there if Konzentrationslager would've ever had a positive or at least neutral context.
    Because I also think we shouldn't let fascists or other groups subvert our language - and taking it back by joking is probably a good idea. However I don't see that in this case.)
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    @rfc7168 We all have our own boundaries around such things.. I do accept your opinion, but I'm just not giving up a debate that easy to apply it in general, especially when I'm trying to caricaturize the whole thing for (bad, even low) jokes.

    - The word does sound funny, to us.. (Dutch)
    - The 2 words combining it, have other meanings as well.
    - The combined word is/was used for something bad, but it's in the past (I sincerely hope never to be used like thát again)

    - My context would resemble more of "a camp for kids with ADD" if you can imagine the cringe when all monitors could have a pink Hitler-stache (It's all jokes to me, sadly XD ..)
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