Thanks a lot NVidia... Kinda feels like this is becoming a weekly thing for me 🙄

(Also tfw you find your backup-file in the trash-directory of the ext. harddrive)

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    @theKarlisK In all fairness, I am probably at least partially to blame for that one. I wanted to try out the new and shiny Steam Play on Debian. I was running the NVidia drivers from the non-free repository (Version 390 or something like that) without any problems. However, Steam Play wanted the newest drivers directly from the NVidia website (V396 I think). So I downloaded the .run file, killed my lightdm manager and tried to run the .run file... And that's when shit hit the fan. Something with the Kernel not being able to load some module and thus not being able to install the driver. In the end I had two half-installed drivers (repo and .run file) and no GUI. No matter what did, something was yelling at me how I done fucked up...
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    FYI: defcon 1 means everything's fine.
  • 2
    I think your screen's bent ;)
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