Is there a good, free software only, security and privacy focused Linux distro out there? I am basically searching for an OpenBSD but as GNU/Linux.

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    Bonus points if it's rolling release
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    @linuxxx Isn't this something you know something about?
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    @FrodoSwaggins what is gnu/openbsd? Are all utils replaced by their GNU version? I didn't want to use BSD because it didn't feel good to me as I am used to the GNU/Linux tools. Of course security and privacy is what I do with it, but I find it nice if the OS is secure by default (like OpenBSD if i understand correctly)
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    @Jilano i mean stuff like dmesg or other commands that behave differently, as the BSDs follow the Unix philosophy more strictly
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    @Jilano It's like burning your pc with all the cryptominers you downloaded while searching for rare porn, over and over again. But your pc is just a disposable vm.
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