I just had something like a fight with my gf.
Result is, I deactivated my Twitter and I am about to deactivate FB as well. Also I am thinking about uninstalling devrant on my phone (to focus more on important stuff).

What in live is really important to you?

  • 8
    Hey man if those are your personal choices, go for it. But if you have to because your girlfriend insists... Fuck that
  • 2
    My relative freedom is important to me and so are the people I hold dear - and all that these two imply. Apart from that, not so much.

    Depending on your situation, that might be a good idea, especially if you catch yourself wasting too much time on those things and/or regretting it afterwards.
  • 0
    Sounds like the old "you're spending too much time on the computer and not enough time with me" fight.

    The old adage applies. Balance.
  • 0
    @shittywebdev not exactly. I followed some content creator that she doesnt feel right with. It makes her lik she's not good enough and i totally can understand that.
    It's like when you're single porn is okay but afterwards you should leave it in your past.

    The other thing is, I really spend to much time on social media and I see it as a good opportunity to change this.
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