Uhhh, ok. Screw you Microsoft!

Really wish I could go all Linux..... 😑


  • 37
    They are seriously tempting fate. Remember the IE lawsuit?
  • 9
    @Haxk20 well guess who is trying out elementary os on his 11years old laptop (an it's working)
  • 5
    I don't see much of an issue there. People who really like FF/Chrome will install it anyways.

    Newbies are encouraged to try a browser they didn't check on yet (edge doesn't suck that much).

    Everyone should be happy ^^
  • 2
    Do like me, on my next computer I buy I will go all Linux. I did the same with iPhone and Light theme, after some years I switched and it feels so good.
  • 4
    Why haven't you gone all Linux already?
  • 1
    @Jilano ouch. that sucks
  • 0
    @Haxk20 not everybody can tho...

    If I move to all linux, I can't move all of the work I have to because Hitfilm Pro, FLStudio and CLIP studio don't work on linux.

    Yes, there are *alternatives*, but they don't work for my workflow as it would isolate me from colleagues a lot.
  • 5
    @Haxk20 WINE is a steaming pile of shit.
  • 0

    understandable...when the majority of the community breathe on windows/Mac, it's hard to go pure Linux without causing inconveniences to others.
  • 0
    So Google gets blamed by Europe for supposedly pushing its apps, but this is just fine? 🤔
  • 3
    @dangerzone It was. There has been done so much in the last two years with Valve involved. I was unbelievably surprised when I tested Wine lately and it worked very well and easily even with newer software.

    I am very tense what will be possible in the next year!
  • 0
  • 0
    @jerodev no, it's not. They'll end up with a lawsuit over this for sure.
  • 0
    @-ANGRY-CLIENT- didn't get what you mean by that :)
  • 0
    @Haxk20 @Gaveuxifort I have to use Windows for work right now. I have no say in the matter.
  • 1
    @Jilano that's it, my next Windows installation would be Windows 7, it has BEAUTIFUL Aero Glass effect on taskbar and it doesn't do anything of that dumb shit
  • 1
    @dangerzone in you're opinion it is, that's not a fact.

    For me it has been very good, never had trouble with it.
  • 0
    @linuxxx WINE is so shit that it doesn't even come preloaded with windows fonts, which makes a lot of apps and games completely spazz out. I get that you love Linux, but sometimes it's OK to admit that something can be greatly improved upon.

    Tell me more about your leet emulator, I'll be using a VM in the meantime.
  • 1
    @dangerzone This has nothing to do with me loving linux, read my comment again.
  • 0
    @Haxk20 WINE is a nice idea, but using it for FL Studio and Hitfilm Pro is a huge pain (waaaaaaaay too much troubleshooting instead of actually being productive)
  • 0
    @dangerzone WINE legally can't come preloaded with WINE because of licensing since you're not allowed to redistribute it (downloading it from them, however, is a different story).
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