Working from home.

Pro: Working in boxers and t-shirt
Con: No Free Coffee......

  • 1
    @thedevdevil I was going to say guinea t, but I wasn't sure people outside of New Jersey would know what that meant.
  • 5
    I will buy my own coffee to work from home.
  • 0
    @Jumpshot44 not if you drank as much as I do. Haha. I definitely have a problem. Need a steady IV of it.
  • 1
    @devshopmike Wait, are you trying to tell me there is a way to live without a coffee IV?
  • 0
    There's no thing as free coffee
  • 0
    @devshopmike Easy fix; nick the coffee bag of the employer you are working for remotely the next time you pay them a visit in person. ha ha

    Longer term fix; add your required amount of coffee to the next contract as part of your payables
  • 0
    - no hot (girl) colleagues passing by
    - no funny jokes from colleagues
    - no weird but interesting discussions while taking a break

    - noone fires you if you watch porn
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