Have to write a 1,000-1,300 word paper on the top trends of my chosen industry. I am therefore researching crimes using computers and other technology. I'm loving the research.

However, I have no idea how to tone my research down so I don't end up (back) on a list for odd Internet searches, and I don't think I want to be on a international list.

Tips for researching the hell out of this topic without flagging Big Brother and ending up with suits at my door (again)?

  • 3
    I'd say use a vpn service and run your searches through the tor browser/duckduckgo?
  • 0
    @linuxxx I tried that. That'll work for all the things other than the ones I have to use my school library for (it's a general class teaching people how to do legitimate research and not just rely on Wikipedia). The search box doesn't work properly in TOR, or the alignment gets messed up and the ACTUAL text area isn't in the vicinity of the box...
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    @QueenMorgana fix by debugging
  • 2
    Also research sucks, I tried to find a way to decode medieval icelandic runestones ... And its hard to search for something that is lost in translation...
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    @karma I feel like you'd have to find very specific people for something like that.

    I don't mind research, I love learning. The hard part is staying focused and not ending up on (in this case) pages of people explicitly detailing all their fetishes because you clicked the links after searching for how grooming victims has changed with technology
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    unrelated: anyone here able to translate written Serbian? An article I want to read is in Serbian (the abstract was in English).
  • 0
    Wow, I usually go wild with searches...
    no one knocked my door yet here in Italy
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    @mngr Might be safer out here, but because the US government pays for our apartment (by paying him less), I feel like the rules are the same.

    Last time I did a research paper like this, I was in an introduction to international terrorism class, and the searches I ran upset a few people. I'm trying to avoid this mistake, even though the guys understood when I showed them my paper and syllabus. I just don't know when/if my name was ever removed from their list.
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    @QueenMorgana move to italy then 'exchange student'
  • 1
    @QueenMorgana Which search box? You can pretty much use any search engine through tor haha
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    @QueenMorgana I might be able to translate if it's not too long. My language (Croatian) is very similar to Serbian (except a few words, and them using the cyrillic script for writing). I just hope some of the technical terms are not too different.
  • 1
    @QueenMorgana alternate your searches with like college class requirements or something so it looks like you aren’t going down a rabbit hole?
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    @Quirinus send me an email to queen.morgana@pm.me? I'll send you the article
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    @jeeper I did. I'm hoping it's enough
  • 1
    @QueenMorgana Sorry, was really busy and forgot about this. :(

    Do you still need it?
  • 0
    @Quirinus I don't think so. My teacher didn't balk at my other sources so i think i'm ok
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