
[serious] !rant

I need your advice. I'm a junior developer and I overslept and missed not only a stand up meeting but a review as well and I feel like shit. This is my first time missing a meeting, though I feel like I've dirtied my name a bit. Am I holding myself to too high of a standard or am I rightfully upset with myself, and how do I make it right? Should I be concerned about losing my job?

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    Attending meetings is minimum standard. You should apologize; it will be fine.
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    @carlosjpc I did apologize as soon as I was able to, I still feel like shit though. Really feel like I let the team down.
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    Doesnt matter at all, can happen to anyone and as long you work your hours nobody minds.

    If you are a lazy fuck however then you have every right to be worried.
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    @Codex404 I don't think I'm lazy, I've been trying to grab more work and reach out to other devs to offer help when I have a clean plate. I'm pretty new all things considered to being a full time developer though so I have no real frame of reference other than the other devs on my team with many years of experience
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    @Crazed lazy fucks start looking at vaguely Dev related things when they dont know what to do.

    Active devs make their own tasks if they cant ask someone.
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    @Crazed then you'r fine man, just dont do it again and yeah get cake for everybody and coffee
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    @Codex404 so maybe a little lazy? If there's really nothing to work on and nothing on my schedule I tend to read about tech I frequently use, but it's becoming less frequent as I'm picking up more work every sprint
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    @Crazed sometimes there really isnt more work and everyone checks technews etc once in a while.
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    Well, if you lose your job over this, fuck them, because shit can and will happen. Of course, apologize and make sure that it won't happen again. If it happens again, that means that you have some serious issues to work on. People need to be able to rely on you and trust you. In that case the blame's on you.

    I, currently also acting as scrum master, was once late for a retrospective session which of course I should facilitate. That sucked big time. I didn't even have a good reason: I completely forgot that I had planned the fucking event. Oh well. Shit happens. And that's fine. It only becomes a problem when history repeats itself. So I make sure that doesn't happen.

    People can tolerate a lot. So don't worry. We're humans. We make mistakes and might screw up now and then. Just be sure to not do that at very important moments where fuck ups cannot be accepted.
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    Those things happen from time to time, but big picture counts. If you write good quality code and solve a lot of issues and respect people, they won't care about rest.
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    @CodeMasterAlex thanks for the words of encouragement. I also forgot to turn in a hour log last week so that wasn't great either, but I set a weekly reminder for that and as far as this goes I've taken messures to make sure I avoid oversleeping again. It's certainly abnormal for me, I guess I've just been drained recently from being sick. I didn't just oversleep, I slept for 11 hours straight. I'm sure this time it will be fine, it was just concerning. This early in my career I'm really trying to raise some eyebrows.
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    @Crazed if that's pretty unusual for you, could it be sleep seizure? like fainting during sleep?
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    @wateringdisease ? He was sick, why get things involved people never have heard of?

    He might have pfeiffer because those people also are tired. /s

    Throwing around medical things is the worst thing one can do since you dont know anything about it and Im assuming you are not a doctor.

    My uncle had cancer and had experienced the same, you might have cancer. /s

    I hope you see what im getting at.

    /s means sarcasm btw, its not serious...
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    haha oops sorry I didn't mean to make you paranoid or trigger hypochondriasis lol ;) I easily look up my symptoms and get paranoid myself
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    @wateringdisease no lol I was just exhausted from being sick and being up a bit late, didn't hear my alarm go off and my body took the shot at an extended nightly vacation
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