8:50am aight alarm clock, give me 5 more minutes

8:55am ok lets round it to 9, wake me up then

9:00am aight enough. lets just sleep for 1 more minute since 9:00 is too round

9:43am fuck

9:44am ok its time to finally study for the upcoming college exam

9:45am nothing but a fresh day to start studying for college

9:46am eh i dont have a lot to study so I'll do it in 2pm, I'll code my project instead

2pm hold on 5 more minutes until i finish coding this feature and then I'll study

5pm where the fuck is this bug coming from

5:504pm goddamn i found it

6:36pm holy shit its already over 6pm, I'll study at night

7:42pm ok its night now, time to study but I'll do it when i fix all bugs

8:14pm ok bugs fixed, commit. lets study

8:15pm you know what, im way too tired and exhausted from this coding, I'll take a short 30 minute break and then I'll study

10:15pm ok im feeling fresh bois lets study now theres not too much

1:31am damn this movie was good

1:32am fuck i forgot to study, I'll do it tomorrow

2:10am *posts this rant*

  • 4
    Ah, classic.
  • 4
    Sleep a full 8 hours. You’ll feel more focused
  • 4
    As a part time software developer and part time student I get it too well!

    My 2cents try to wake up early and study.
    In the morning you are more rested and have more willpower.
    Keep the fun things for the afternoon :)
  • 2
    Is this me?
  • 0
    I'm glad you found the bug at 5:504pm 😂😁
  • 0
    This but didn't actually get out of bed at all :/
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