
Holy fucking shit germany... what the fuck is wrong with you?! the FUCKING TELECOM CONTROLS MOST OF THE FUCKING INTERNET?! Like holy fucking shit?! And what did they announce? svdsl... SVDSL?! SUPER VECTORING DSL?! I mean... you take the oldest car... make it a little better... you get SDSL... And then? you go for Fiber? no. YOU MAKE THE FUCKING SHIT EVEN DEEPER! You take your OLD FUCKING CAR AND MAKE IT A ZOMBIE! And then you get Super Vectoring DSL... holy shit germany... take your shit together and EXPAND YOUR FUCKING FIBER NETWORK! Fuck.

  • 8
    tHeRE Is nO deManD iN fAsTer InteRnet
  • 0
    @Falk there is.
  • 0
    I think thats what they call "innovation". And yes, it saves them a lot of hassle putting new fiber cables into the ground.
    I think they can squeeze up to 200mbit of the old cables using vectoring.
  • 2
    @kolaente they squeeze 200mbit out of copper and call it a day for the next 40 years. muhahah 😉
    While everybody else is enjoing their holographic entertainment system on their 80 gigabit connection.

    Deutsche: Internet? das ist doch so ne mode sache die kommt und geht. Das braucht kein mensch. hält nur unsere kinder vom lernen ab.
  • 1
    @kolaente No, not, with vectoring you get about 50-180 Mbits, (Maximum range 600Meters) and with this VeRy NeW SuPEr VeCtoRInG you get about 300Mbits... BUT ONLY with the newest Copper Cables...
    The Telecom gives you only 250Mbits, and if your home isnt compatible with this... you still get 175Mbit... which still is shit in most homes...
  • 1
    @kolaente I know, but Telekom often said nobody would buy faster internet.
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    The question is not whether customers want faster internet because they always do, but whether they are also willing to foot the bill, which they aren't. I have 50/10 for 30 EUR per month and wouldn't pay 50 (or even more) just for faster internet.

    Especially funny are those in small towns with houses of their own plus garden, which makes a low population density and only allows basic infrastructure. They were keen on cheap land and now complain about the consequences of their own choice.
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