  • 3
    I guess somebody is gotta do this: what if that site is dragging you to PRISM infested projects?

    Probably not... but what if...
  • 2
    @linuxxx wet dream right here
  • 1
    I should also tag @FrodoSwaggins because he's particularly awesome and might be interested. 😊
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    @Floydian well there's no guarantee about that. The site has a disclaimer

    Disclaimer: Using the recommended projects on this site will not guarantee that 100% of your communications will be shielded against surveillance states. Please do your own research before trusting these projects with sensitive information.

    But then most of the projects mentioned are open source or trusted by a large community. You have to trust someone 🤷🏻‍♂️
    There's no guarantee that even open source projects are 100% safe
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    @Floydian haha let's hope someone does :P
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    @Floydian open source != trust worthy
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    @MrCSharp No, but it has the possibility of being trustworthy. Closed source is never trustworthy.
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    @Root agreed. I'll also add that blindly trusting any open source project just because it's open source is equal to blindly trusting closed source software.

    My point is that the hype around open source being trustworthy is bad because we don't know if there are people that are actually reading the code to make sure it's safe. Also, almost everyone uses the compiled version and we don't know if it was built from the same branch that's on GitHub. For all we know it could be built from a different branch that has code compromising security.
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    @MrCSharp Absolutely true on all points.
  • 2
    @Root I love this one yes! Trying to work on one which also categorizes apps/services by certain things like decentralized or not, owned by a mass surveillance integrated company or not etc etc :)
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