
I've just got in from bar* work, a little drunk*!

My last dev employer actually offered me my old job back, but as HR are so awful I said the situation was past that and demanded compensation. A nice payout agreed for me, for not taking it to tribunal 👍

Now for the new job! I thought working the night scene would be fun, but it's not well paid and the freelance I have is but it's hard to juggle the two.

I might have a break or a month or so doing this, then look for another job.

Anyone recommend good companies LGBT friendly in London?

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    @brolls crazy beehatch, still awake?!
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    Ssssh. You’re not legally allowed to talk about compromise agreements ;p they are the best though!

    I’d say most are lgbt friendly, but to varying degrees depending on team / involvement with the community etc.

    Just find somewhere / something that makes you happy.

    For me, after years of struggling with the 9-5 office life, I’ve now come to realise remote contracting is right for me, and I wish I’d started sooner.
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    @Brolls Only if the company stipulates it (and even then questionably), mine were too stupid!

    Yeah I do freelance and could live off it, but for me doing part-time and freelance is the best of both. Tempted to try Monzo.
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    @nate they seem cool. Hard to get into apparently though. But always worth a shot!


    I’ve “heard” bad things.
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    @nate Yeah I've not done any Go so need to put myself through a crash course. I'm an early adopter and know some of the team, maybe that'll help. I think I can do it, but not really sure what pay to expect which is important for me (although I try not to make it obvious).

    Thanks for the tips, although surprised at KPMG. Not that you could comment 😜
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    @nate Wow I mentioned myself in my own comment 🤣
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    @nate less the lgbt, more general satisfaction and handling of staff... even though the guy that headed the lgbt group was a complete narcissistic cunt that tried to grandstand Lenny Henry (yes, that one) by getting shirtless on stage with him.

    Or so I heard anyway.
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    @Brolls The people that front LGBT in these large companies I don't trust. Fame hungry imo. I just don't want to be shaded for checking grindr.
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    @nate nah. I find most of the fags are secret ones anyway. Once head tale *ahem* of managers having sex in the toilets. But I wouldn’t know anything about that 💅🏻
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    @Brolls Yeah I'm sure there're closeted (cubicle-d?) ones higher up, but the fame ones definitely put up the front. They think equality is a fastpass to $.

    I wouldn't wish to shame for doing it in the toilets ;)
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    @Brolls WAIT... were you trying to get a promotion 👀 😂
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    @nate haha. Nothing like that. I’m sure whomever was engaged in such behaviour was just bored and enjoyed the fun of it.
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    @Brolls "whomever"
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    @nate I’m classy on and off my knees thank you 😂💅🏻
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    @Brolls I like that haha 🙌
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    "LGBT friendly"? Why go out of your way to ask and to search for that? Isn't it just called "being a company"? Don't think there are a lot of companies that are fundamentally against LGBT. That's silly to me.
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