
It's computer science college, and yet :

Them : ... so thats how my project goes ! it's fun!
Me : whoa that's cool, do you use javascript?
Them : ... umm
Me : ...I suppose??
Them : uh, i use node and bulma actually.


  • 1
    @devTea good morning !
  • 0
    Good morning, too

    Edit: people be followong tutorials small project and call it their projects 🙃
  • 1
    Node reality: you don't need to know javascript to use it!
    You have to actually unlearn javascript.
    Maybe ask about ES6
  • 3
    @mundo03 that is so fucking wrong actually

  • 7
    You can't expect everyone to know everything in college. Isn't that the point of going to college, to learn?

    Don't get me wrong, what they're saying is definitely something that should be known, but you have to realize people go to college with different knowledge levels, especially with CS.

    You have a few hardos that have been programming in fucking C++ since they were like 10.

    Then there's those who discovered programming in highschool classes and are interested in it.

    Then there's those who discovered it but outside of class and have taught themselves a lot.

    Then there's those who discovered it outside of class, but have minimal knowledge.

    Lastly, there's those who have absolutely no knowledge and are trying to learned everything from start.

    Moral of the comment is not everyone is fucking programming expert by the time they're in college, and it's ok because that's whole damn point of going to college.
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    @D--M it is, or is it?
  • 2
    I kinda doubt that even the teacher would give a different answer... IT colleges are a joke.
  • 2
    @Stuxnet while I see your point being unable to differentiate between language and framework/runtime seems to be a quite specific problem with JavaScript people.
    I had some guys at my university that, when asked what programming languages they were able to use, answered Angular. They were starting their bachelor's thesis at this point so there is no excuse for this.
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  • 3
    @Stuxnet i agree with you, but still dude. how can be you use node but don't know or can't differentiate between js and js framework ? just how?
  • 0
    @D--M or is it?
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