
it kills when people say dual boot Linux with Windows. I know how painful it is. as people who like to install Linux just pray why doesn't Linux supports it all. because all they want to do is use Linux full time. 😑😖😭

  • 1
    what kind of linux have you tried? I have never had with problem with drivers or any other stuff really
  • 1
    Since steam got a Linux client I have been using Linux full time at home, feelagoodman to play some dota 2 without having to deal with shitty windows
  • 0
    Can't play Fallout 4 on *nix.
  • 3
    if only Linux could support my games. Windows will be out of my windows. -.-
  • 1
    @sgoel01 Yup, that's the only reason I still use Windows too.
  • 1
    Counter strike Global offensive is seriously the only reason I still have windows 10.
  • 1
    @Batdroid I wish I could increase ur count of ++ more than once!
  • 2
    @void I wish I can play all games on Linux.
    Oh wishful thinking!
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