Update on my previous post :
It finally booted I don’t know what the issue was but I reinstalled the graphics drivers on windows and it started running

  • 0
    How does reinstalling driver on Windows affect anything on Ubuntu?
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    @Gaveuxifort Nvidia has been causing a lot of pain for ubuntu users i saw some suggestions on my last post to try and check my graphic card drivers i booted up windows and reinstalled and it worked i have no idea what was wrong or how it affects ubuntu,thats the reason i also added a strange tag on my post 😁
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    I break my Nvidia driver on Linux very often when writing CUDA. I was able to fix it by recovering from the previous kernel.
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    @Gaveuxifort Y does Nvidia for linux sucks ?
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    This was quite a while ago... Nvidia has a reasonably good support to cluster environments which runs scientific cards.... no one would say anything against you playing games on Linux but GTX series' main purpose is for gaming and graphics design... which in my opinion the industries breath on windows (and mac perhaps?)
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