y'all have any ideas for something techy i can do for my girlfriend?

i want to make her an app or something she can see every day and smile at

  • 6
    I gifted my girlfriends artworks, fan stories and stuff, embedded it in a website and tada :D
    Yet not everyone is artistic.

    An app sounds cool, but it gotta do something. Maybe a daily quote or reason you love her or something like that.

    Gl hf!
  • 5
    IOT dildo
  • 2
    Can you technify her hobbies in any way?

    Like she's into photography then a program that manages and catalogs the photos the way she wants or something.
  • 0
    Might be kinda lame, but I've got this small program (<200 lines) that essentially waits for the birthday, then asks for a password (something obvious) and then "decrypts" the message on the fly.

    Essentially I encrypt the text using Caesar Cypher, display it, and then start decrypting letters randomly on the same line, by displaying all the letters between the encrypted one and the unencrypted one. Once the line is done, I move on to the next.

    It makes a pretty neat effect, and it's relatively simple. Mine runs on CLI, which makes it look extra nerdy to someone with a non technical background.

    Makes for a neat card, my gf definitely liked it.
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