What's a decent budget laptop you would recommend for gaming and coding?

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    You can code on a "toaster" and lots of people do because when you increase the specs to the point of it being a gaming machine, your battery life drops from like 7 hours to 1.

    If you want a gaming machine buy one and you'll be able to code on it as well. If you want to keep the battery life buy a second hand thinkpad and game on something else.

    And if you want to go the two machines route you can build a PC for gaming since a gaming laptop is basically an expensive PC with the low battery life.
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    I've got a shitty-brand, 800€ device. (Not available anymore I guess, if you want the exact model you gotta search my last weekly rant)

    Look out for those, dunno where you're from but in Germany a supermarket like Aldi got some neat stuff sometimes. It's much much cheaper than the same device from, dunno ASUS.
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    I am jealous of people that can still play games while coding. Its been a year and I still couldn't finish witcher 3
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    @calmyourtities 🤣🤣
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    @Marnsghol that's not a game you can finish in a year...too many side quests lol
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