So I’ve asked one hipster js developer what does he think about golang. His answer was:
- it’s the same as nodejs, but difference is that go has pointers

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    What's the actual difference? I have never worked with Golang.
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    golang is not js at all. it is similar to c.

    - native compilation
    - faster
    - strict types
    - not always used for servers
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    @TheOct0 good question:) in general they are very different and in some parts similar, but there would be no reason for such great minds like rob pike to be a part of “the same as nodejs” project. But each language/platform is considered to be used in some case or condition, that’s why we have so big variety of languages. So sorry for deviation from your question. If you are interested in those differences pls take a look to this article https://medium.com/codezillas/...
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    @calmyourtities don't agree with the last point.

    Infact the more I code and read the code written in go I relaized that it defines something new, it took few things from object oriented programming and make it awesome
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    @rookiemaverick i've used it as an encryption client. it's definitely used for more than servers. there's a concept os written in go and a cryptocurrency
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