
Everyone: *circle jerking over cyberpunk 2077 and Red dead redemption 2*

Me: yeah looks cool but I think it'd be more interesting to build a modern operating system in pure unadulterated ASM...

Am I the only one not getting hyped over those games and just brain-dead or is anyone else in the same boat?

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    I haven’t even heard of these games
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    I like to do other hobbies outside of programming, so video games aren't really in my sphere of interest anymore.
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    Did you play the first red dead redepmption?

    I did, it was fucking beautiful and I am stoked af for the second version.

    The people that did the Witcher(CD Projekt) are doing cyberpunk, if you ain't a fan I get it, I am so I am STOKED

    Game development is a really cool area of software engineering. And people like cd projekt have done some really cool shit.
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    @Alice it wasn't really a transphobic joke
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    @AleCx04 I played a bit of Red dead and it is soooooooooo boring to me, couldn't get into the Witcher either.

    I am a game developer primarily so I can understand some of the hype but just... Ehh
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    @lxmcf what games do you like? To me the witcher and red dead are perfect since I hate multiplayer bs
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    @AleCx04 Skyrim and fallout are in my top as well as factorio and age of empires
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    @Alice People get triggered way too fast nowadays over fuck all. The phrase just got an undertone over time that ignorant crazy sjw's gave it all themselves.

    People don't have a problem with "non binary" genders at all, but confusing self defined new articulistic and social constructs that make saying "hello" a problem.
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    @AleCx04 it’s just like a) they’re edge lords and it was a jarring joke
    B) they are sjw ‘s and it was a a serious thing when the term guys was being used colloquially and that’s cringy
    C) they made it as a sort of cultural appropriation of sjws, mixing a bit of a and b which is still cringe.

    Everybody wants to have Wendy’s snarky twitter rep but it usually comes of as cringy, offensive, or tone deaf...or all three.
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    @AleCx04 That was the transphobic comment? OMFG. People are idiots.

    On topic, I'm a CDPR fanboy so take this with a pinch if salt. My boyfriend and I have somewhat different tastes in games but we both completely agree that The Witcher III is a masterpiece. So yeah, I have high hopes for cyberpunk but it's more than that.

    CDPR embody what I want to be as a developer and their philosophy of doing their best to create something as good as they can, is something I really hope to embody one day.

    They started out as simple fans of a book who wanted to make the best game they could and I don't think they've changed in their success. They're the type of people I could only dream of working for and with one day.
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    Ok can we leave gender politics and political correctness?

    Devrant isn't the place for that shit
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    @jeeper i just saw it as poking fun at something. Its bad humor yes, but far from transphobic
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    @con-fig CDPR fans unite!! I really think that witcher III is a masterpiece as well man! Really well designed games and I really dig how much effort they put into minimizing glitches. I could only dream of working with such professionals!!
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    @sergiolarosa89 I said I might be brain-dead for not looking forward to them...
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    Well you are just not interested by those games.
    It's logic since you didn't like red dead and the witcher, then a sequel and another game from the same studio may not take your attention.
    I liked both of them by the past and the new one doesn't get my interest.
    Maybe The Elder Scroll VI will be more interesting for you ?
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    @osx94 but I love dense lore cold games and they are both right up my alley, but maybe it's just the developers methods because now that I think of it I can't get into GTA either... Hmmmm
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    Guess I'll have to join that circle jerking stuff..¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    HYPE for Cyberpunk 2077!!
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