Dual 27" Dell 4K HDR monitors, plus a Samsung 1080p and the retina display. My poor 2015 MacBook Pro with a Radeon R9 M370X 2GB can barely handle it. But there's just so much resolution that it's totally worth it!

  • 8
    That's a good looking workspace for a change
    I like the green
  • 2
    How often do people walk against your monitors?
  • 0
    @Kimmax Thanks! The plants belong to the guy who sits in front of my desk, but I like the green scenery. I've been trying to get him to build a plant canopy over our desks
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    Higher resolution picture because DevRant compression: http://imgur.com/a/yqHqOI5
  • 0
    @Codex404 It luckily hasn't happened yet. The plant behind my desk hangs over the wall as well, so people tend not to walk very close to the wall
  • 0
    @ElbowDeepInElmo I would walk against it a lot... I dont like other people walking in the middle of a path so I wont either.
  • 1
    @Codex404 There's also some trash cans sitting against the other side of the wall, so that prevents people from walking too closely to the wall. The monitor looks to stick out further in the picture, but it luckily only sticks out 2-inches or so past the wall
  • 2
    I love this setup!
  • 1
    @dfox Thank you! It's great productivity-wise, although I wish I still had my big desk. They forced us all to get smaller desks so they could make space for new hires. I'd also replace the vertical Samsung monitor with another Dell 4K but I think my poor laptop might explode then hahaha
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