
What the fuck, it says on both my LinkedIn profile and on my CV that I'm a student but I can take on part time projects, and I also told a recruiter the same thing over phone (after he found me on LinkedIn).

Today I had lunch with said recruiter. Guess who had no clue I was a student?

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    And for that very reason I never confirm their contact requests, and I have a good few of them already.
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    At least you got a free meal out of it
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    Rule #1 : You don't mention that you are an student
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    @vocuzi Well if I don't I get about 20 proposals per week for full time employment (which I can't take). Now I just get about 10 suggestions per week from people who can't read.
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    @Python ever heard about the process of politely denying ?
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    @vocuzi why remove a filter?

    I'm not able to program C++ (anymore), should I also request job offers that require C++?
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    @Codex404 that was one real nice example
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    @vocuzi Of course do. I have to do decline the 10 illiterate ones who contact me anyway, but it's something I'd rather not spend my time on because it's literally pointless.
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