
Oh no. Depressed mood swing is kicking in again.

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    @Jilano I don't think so. I'll just stare at walls for the rest of the day, unable to get anything done because my mind is so focused on how worthless I am.

    I don't wanna sound edgy or anything, that's genuinely how I feel
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    @1989 I wish there were stages to this achievement. I'd have unlocked "four times per week" a long time ago.
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    Well... Idk what's going on. Depressions sometimes don't have any reasons (maybe it's the opposite in your case).

    Maybe play some Hatred, get *virtually* cuddled by us... 🤗 *cuddle cuddle*, watch a funny movie, talk about everything and anything you're thinking of.

    It may be dark, abstract, illogical... but it'd help to understand you.

    I did often write with people, knew them personally - I'm more a humorous person...
    Hmm... as an example: Some people said to me that they're thinking of their non-existence, their death... that they don't have the feeling of a will to live.
    I just said - you may think like that, that's okay, though not nice but if you do this I have to crawl deep into hell to get you back from there (sth. like that) and this isn't fun.

    I like making people laugh.
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    @Irithyll I'm not in a "hurt people" mood, so no Hatred for me.

    The feeling I get is that of complete worthlessness. I have no idea why, I just feel like there wouldn't be any difference between me being there or not.

    You can always ask me stuff to understand me, I just can't tell you anything interesting off the top of my head. Thanks for the effort though.
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    @1989 I never give a damn about anything, but sometimes I'll just end up in this state of not understanding why I'm here.

    I wouldn't want to cease existing, or to die, and even less to kill myself, don't worry.
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    I'm feeling the same btw.
    not now... sometimes, somehow..

    For me it wouldn't change a thing whether I exist or not. Somehow selfish. I'm not living for myself. I don't even have a reason to live sometimes... or my reason is love... to feel and give love. Idk. I'm an idiot 😂
    I'm telling for fun that I can't die until I've fulfilled my quest.

    I'm playing/acting like a god instead of these thoughts sometimes. I am a god, everyone is... maybe... or not 😝 I have no powers, am not an Adonis, just a regular default human being (anatomically). But there is my mind, my crazy, abstract way of thinking. I'm not super intelligent btw... 😢

    I don't want to be called a human - I don't like them. As a god I am even worse (an asshole better said ☺) but that's okay.

    Everything is interesting about you in this case. Everything is a clue, a hint...
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    eh im in that state every day if u need any tips on how to be depressed rly good hit me up i got loads of experience
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    Are you seeing a therapist? If not, I would advice you to go see one. While depression is common in some ways for many of us, it is not something that should be taken lightly.
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    @123username I wouldn't call it depression, just heavy mood swings. It's nothing compared to people that are really depressive. Thanks though.
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    @TheOct0 I'd still look into it if I were you, you may only need a few sessions with a pro to figure some stuff out that's bothering you. Not trying to push you into it though, just hoping that you'll consider it if you don't see any improvement. Hope you get better soon!
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    @123username Thanks, I'll consider it. For now the best therapy will probably be seeing my girlfriend for the first time in the last two months :)
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    @RantSomeWhere Thanks man, I'll try that
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    read some Jung. The Relations between the Ego and the Unconsious. No joke, that really helps you stay in check with yourself and give yourself the best you can. Because there is a lot more happening inside and outside of you that you are consious of, but you still notice and respond to.
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    @simulate Is that a philosopher or a scientist?
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    @TheOct0 psychologist. I am no expert but here an introduction:
    He worked together with Freud and Adler for some time. Freuds psychology is probably how most people view psychology nowadays (it is very useful for many experiments and seems to map very well onto animals), but Jung was always very careful not to oversimplify the mind. He was very interested in the psychology in religion, and how many religions and tribes have the same stories and images, even though they never encountered another at all. He proposes, that there is a "collective" conscious and unconscious, which is like the foundation of all experience, shaped by evolution. Those are basically neurological patterns we all share (many also with animals), because they are so fundamental, they are part of being a living organism. He calls these images archetypes, images like the mother, the father, the child, the predator, the tree, the hero... these images or symbols are ancient and omnipresent in our lives and psychology.
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    Psycho psycho... 😝
    Maybe an interesting person... as Freud 😂

    I love reading specific books btw, maybe in your interest...
    La divina commedia, Faust, The Storm, Hamlet... some of Kafka's works 🤔
    helped me a bit... but I didn't finish La divina commedia yet... meeeh, I am so lazy :c
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    hey, what a coincidence, mine seems to just be ending... before it starts again due to me failing a contract.
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    @Irithyll there are some great classics out there. I love reading things about psychology, because it reminds me that there are many things i dont understand right where I am, wherever I am. I think its important to have something you dont understand, otherwise you get cynical about every thing that doesnt go like you wanted because you think life is unfair.
    I read Kafkas Metamorphisis, really strange book, I am not sure I really got the point of it. He is an interesting author, but a little too interesting for my taste I guess :D
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    Well... I like human behaviour, their reasons and the effects, too ☺ Most of them are easy to know. Never read a book about psychology... that's bad but meeh... didn't need it somehow.

    A not personally known "friend" (I'd call her a friend) said to me "it seems you know things I never told you". Well... as a stalker... haha 😂 Nah. Just combined given/ungiven information... my power is my unknowledge... and the knowledge of course 😝

    Just thinking about everything, nothing, logical, illogical situations, all the "what if"s... I hate it 😂 But that's my curse for being myself.

    Most of the people I met are trusting me like we know each other for a long time, sometimes like we're best friends. They're wondering about this: "Hmm... normally I wouldn't do that." (telling me private things, problems, hopes, idiots of their life)
    I don't like hurting people btw, I'm here (on earth) to help. ☺ Therefore I'm very proud of myself using these information for understand humans... and ofc help them if necessary.

    B2t: Maybe I should read some of their psycho-stuff... :3

    Kafka is a bit strange hm... I helped an ex-friend and had to read a part of Metamorphosis and watched a video of someone who cutted this text into a "funny very short" version... it was dumb and he forgot relevant scenes... idiot 🤔

    La divina commedia is so... wow! 😂(played Dante's Inferno - nice game btw)

    I'll grab my book tomorrow and read on my way to work ☺ ♡
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    La Divina Commedia looks like a good book! Thanks for pointing me to it :)

    I envy you for your attitude though :D I cant help but viewing myself as a lonely leaf flowing through life, not wanting to deal with other people's problems, too. But that is a really bad habit when it comes to talking with people. Because most people like it when you join together with them and help them and trust them.

    Eh, but I just really like getting deep into things, sometimes to the degree that I cant explain it anymore so that others can follow. But that causes me to only think for myself, which is not good. It splits my social self from my private self and worse, leaves my social self undeveloped. So I guess talking about stuff and abstaining from diving in deep more often is a good guideline for now.

    Anyhow, if you are interested in psychology I can really really recommend Dr. Jordan Petersons lectures on youtube. Hundreds of hours of university lectures for free, and a great speaker!
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    @TheOct0 dude I feel it as well dont kick yourself too hard about it
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    Have fun 😂 I read Hamlet and The Storm because of an anime ☺

    Hm... I'm hating and loving every human 100% each at the same time. 😝 Have my own problems but for friends, my family or any other important person I'd do anything for their welfare.

    I'm very shy and can't talk directly to persons (out of interest) if they're unknown. But if there's any reason, no matter how small, I'd use that - then only my humor is the deciding factor. 🤡

    Thanks! Hopefully... more knowledge 😝 🤯 🧠
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