
Why doesn't anyone use their real name in here (or in any other social like dev community)?. Just curious about it.

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    we are creative people who find names(other than our real ones) much cooler.
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    I do
    Abo Mahdi
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    gotta practice safe rant. theres no telling that ur boss is lurking in devrant or not
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    Because we're all from the generation where using your name online was taboo
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    I'm wondering how many John Smith or John Doe will be around?
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    yeah, I do
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    Im hiding from debt collectors.
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    Basically because I'm privacy paranoid.
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    We're all defined. But we like to keep the uniqueness of our label as our name in a community that understands that.
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    Seems like @abomahdi is the bravest one here :-)
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    My username is same everywhere - here, TW, FB, e-mail,... So, it is like using real name.
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    I don't hide from personal opinions. Even if any boss of mine reads my comments, he/she is not gonna change what I think. I prefer to get fired than work with falsy people.
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    I've always been using my name everywhere, just like now
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    @firusvg email is a bad practice , I assume you also use the AME password ? if yes start changing that habit .
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    I always use jckimble first and middle initial and last name
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    My name is too long and not catchy
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    @skonteam I don't understand? Why? Having same handle/username everywhere really helps people to find me. Of course, that (let say, "public") e-mail address isn't e-mail used for registration.

    P.S. WTF is AME password?
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    @firusvg I think he meant if you're using the same password for everything you might want to change them. cause if one gets hacked and the passwords get cracked anybody can try the email/password combination on any site
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    @jckimble Hell, I'm too old to make such rookie mistake - of course that passwords are different everywhere (and non-trivial).
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    I use a mix of initials and actual second name
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    @firusvg yep I meant same . well then keep them safe :) .
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    Good arguments from all the ones that don't use their real name. Well, I always use my name and day of birth in everything I register, since ever. Easier to remember, but using different passwords too.
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    I would assume the answer is in the name of the app?

    At the time, Secret went even further, with colorful animals and no names at all. I think it's actually liberating, people judged (?) you on what you said, not on your number of posts/reputation/karma etc.

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    @skonteam No, no ... Always different passwords, 10-14chrs long, mix of lower/uppercase letters, digits and symbols.

    As I'm a bit paranoid I don't even use public WiFi nor ever enter passwords on computers that are not solely mine. Of course, some risks exist, but I'm trying to minimize them as much as I'm aware.
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    Playmast3r is my online tag.... I use it at almost all online places.... It's like my pseudo name.... Heehee....
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