
Here's my "setup"

I might be the only one who hasn't cleaned up his desk before taking a pic ^^

  • 2
    Finger's in the shot
  • 3
    Left handed?
  • 3
    Also, two laptops?
  • 2
    @BadFox Yes I'm a Lefty, and the closed one is my main. I'm working on my backup laptop (faulty HDD on the other one).
  • 1
    So, what’s the trophy for?🤔
  • 1
    No, you're not 😊
  • 1
    I'm left handed and I never could understand why people would use the mouse with their left hand... 1. It is weird; 2. Your main hand is much better suited for typing on the keyboard than it is for moving the mouse; 3. Most people are right handed so anywhere else the mouse will be on the right and you will have either cross your hands or move the mouse to the other side.
  • 0
    @ozzy Handball :)
  • 0
    @D3add3d On right-handed people's computer, I usually cross my hand. Also, when typing, I always use both my hands and just leave the mouse. I don't know, it just works that way :)
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