
Ok I take back what I said about having luck with hardware and software sometimes, why is it so fucking difficult to setup a linux distribution with your home directory on a seperate drive... Just why...

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Tux be with me

(Please feel free to enlighten me if you are aware of a way I can do this)

  • 0
    Don't create your user until after installation is complete, and create the /home filesystem afterward.
  • 0
    Have you tried using a sym-link? As long as the drive gets mounted before your home directory needs to be accessed, I don't see any reason that wouldn't work.
  • 3
    If your installer doesnt support it you can link your home directories to dirs on your second drive
  • 1
    @bahua ... Very true... Just leave root on the main drive then create my main user afterwards
    @Jifuna I use arch so don't really have an installer
  • 2
    @lxmcf on Arch it is easy.
    Install system normally, create filesystem on secondary drive, mount in /home, genfstab, create user, done.
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    @WhAtEvErYoUmEaN tried that, maybe I just fucked up at some point
  • 0
    It's literally the easiest thing. You just have to select another home directory from the installer. You can change it afterwards too
  • 1
    lvcreate <flags>
    mkfs.xfs /dev/mapper/<homedev>
    mkdir /home
    vim /etc/fstab
    mount -a
    useradd <user>
    vipw; vipw -s
    vigr; vigr -s # if you want to be a sudoer
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