Something I ranted about 1 year and 2 days ago just saved my life today. Those lost hours that day saved me a few hours today.

I wonder though: if I hadn't written about it on devRant, would I still remember it today?

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    (assuming that you don't delete your account over booze like I did)
    Now you've got me curious though. Any link to that particular rant?
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    @shellbug Thanks! Turns out that I already upvoted it... Eh, long ago when I just started with technology and development (that'd be 6 years ago by now?) I did this sort of web dev.. and browser quirks along with incompatibility across browsers (coupled with 1.5y of federal custody which made me lose internet access and drop quite a few IQ points with it) were among the biggest reasons. That limited experience with web browsers really got me to respect front-end devs and their ability to cope with that clusterfuck that makes up browser engines. Except for those who use a framework or WP plugin for everything.. those should just quit and die already.
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