I just had a flashback to the good ole days of using HTML tables for website layouts. Tables within tables within tables were pretty ridiculous, but they really got the job done pretty well back then. It makes me think about how technology changes and a principle that was once so widely used is now almost completely obsolete.

  • 1
    And dBase II - oh never mind, a different millennium when dinosaurs roamed the earth.
  • 3
    Sounds like you should get into HTML email templates...they're still in the good old days of yore.
  • 0
    Sadly, email blasts still need tables. Apparently there's people out there still using outlook 2000 😭😭😭
  • 0
    2016 and html emails having to build a nest of tables thanks to Microsoft and its use of word for rendering html in outlook. pants.
  • 0
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