My first year of computer science.
Programming exam
1) we had to write c++ code on PAPER in 2013
2) I couldn't remember how the string comparison function worked so I asked the professor if he could tell me what the function gave as output. He said he could not 😑 i wrote the comparison function by hand

It's 2018 and I'm still mad about it

  • 17
    My second year of computer science

    Write a magnet sort

    I still have no idea what that is. I wrote a bubble sort with a comment // do magnet sort here.

    I got 95% on that exam so I worked out that question must have had 3/4 marks if everything else was full marks.

    3/4 marks for a comment xD
  • 6
    @craig939393 never heard of a magnet sort πŸ˜‚ I would have done like you did
  • 7
    Writing Code on paper is a good beginners practice actually.
  • 1
    @craig939393 da hell is magnet sort?
  • 2
    You mean strcmp?
    -1 = first string comes lexicographically first
    0 = strings are equal
    1 = second string comes lexicographically first

    And that's a C function btw, not C++ :P
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    @Herry yes and I was fine with it in high school but in university? If you want me to write on paper at least don't ask for c++ but pseudo code insteadπŸ˜…
    Or if I have a specific question about a library call just answer
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    @Krokoklemme yes exactly that one, it's not hard to remember if you use it often... But it's stuff that I would Google if I didn't remember it at work...

    We actually used a reduced version of c++ because... I've no idea actually. Crazy stuff happens at Italian universities πŸ˜‚
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    @altariel in my country you are not needed to know programming at the time you start attending and we only got paper programming in the introduction lecture.
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    The programming final test in my school education (before I started my apprenticeship) was exactly the same. It was unbelievably stupid. Syntax errors have been punished very hard. Such dick heads.
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    I had to write Java on paper for this freshman class test. We had to do something like make a method to reverse a linked list or something (specifically a method). He didn't provide any information on what the rest of the class looked like and I didn't remember the exact method names(I knew what they did, my last class just provided the rest of the class so you had the method names.). The teacher laughed in my face when I asked him, so I just came up with some name that sounded like the function I wanted. Must have worked because I scored well.

    Also there was the time in that class my friend got points off on a test because he solved an exercise using the Java implimentation of a stack that behaved slightly differently then whatever code our professor was using from a textbook. (I think he got his points back tho)
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    @Krokoklemme -1?! Wtf.
    Does this topic have a specific name? I want to do some research.
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    @-ANGRY-CLIENT- what topic do you mean? It's just the return value defined by the C standard

    I have to correct myself though: it's not necessarily -1, but that's the value most implementations chose
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