  • 11
    HAHAHHAHAHHA, made my day !
  • 4
    @undef 😂😂👌
  • 10
    @RantSomeWhere PLOT TWIST AGAIN
  • 6
    Another twist
    Homer Hickman deleted his Twitter account
  • 14
    I'm still surprised people are putting her as the "victim". Smh
  • 13
    What @RantSomeWhere said plus, she didn't get in trouble over this exchange, it was because her followers were replying and adding hashtags that other NASA people were following.

    And I don't think she did anything "wrong", besides not protecting her anonymity as much as she maybe could have. Older, ESL, and less internet-savvy people are reading her tweets a lot more aggressively than they're actually intended. She's just memeing around and having a good time; problem is that boomers and illiterates take things way too seriously.
  • 3
    @HollowKitty in our Asian culture, it is complete opposite :3
  • 2
    Her unfounded confidence comes from her arrogance and lack of experience.

    I don't know why but I LOLed 🤣😂
  • 6

    I think Homer overreacted (he should have just left it without comment) but that DOES NOT mean replying to a complete stranger "Suck my dick and balls" is OK. I'm all for memeing around and having a good time, but if someone gets to work in motherfucking NASA I expect professionality and not infantile comments.
  • 4
    @webdev I mean, if I had an internship at NASA, I would for sure be excited as fuck. However, I would be very careful online. To my friends and family, in person, I wouldn't shut up, but online, a good-ol "Yaay, I got an internship at NASA" would be all my excitement.
  • 0
    I think both have some faults like homer being an old school and Naomi being downright offensive to his comment.
  • 3
    @webdev Then you're probably a bit on the older side or just not familiar with modern internet subcultures. Being intentionally OTT like this is extremely common on social media sites like Twitter and Tumblr and taking that into account there's 0% aggression or offense meant in her tweets. It's a joke and it's not even a joke at Homer's expense; it's a joke the way the idea of bringing a nuclear bomb to an arm-wrestling match is a joke. Her only mistake is trying to talk like this on an account that could be linked back to her real name, that's all.
  • 1
  • 3
    @HollowKitty I think I see what you mean, but I cant agree with that, because again, being common != its ok. Im familiar with it, I do/did it too, we are humans... as a meme I laugh on it.

    I would be over the top too, if I got a job at NASA as I raise them as living gods but would handle such comment differently, cause im a stalker lol I would check who that stranger is first and just then comment back
  • 3
    @webdev Part of the issue here is that Homer isn't a verified account. It would be a very funny thing to do, to use a fake account for a NASA star to chastise someone for swearing about getting a NASA internship. Honestly I haven't heard anyone use "language!" as a serious thing in like 20 years but nowadays I hear people use it all the time as a joke. So again, I don't think her issue here is of character at all. I think she just misread the context.

    IIRC Homer agrees with my assessment and has offered to serve as a reference for future applications.
  • 2
    It’s pretty much like doing that to the ceo of your company that you didn’t know about
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