
I've been wanting a thing where you can upload a file through a post request (api style), get a download link which allows for one download only (after the file gets downloaded it is removed) and be done.

Couldn't find one so quicky, decided to write one myself.

Two hours later I've got a functioning first version, this is the first time ever where I genuinely wrote a system I needed quickly within a few fucking hours and it actually works O_o

  • 6
    transfer.sh ?
  • 7
    @metamourge "files stores for 14 days" - my idea is that they are deleted right after download :)
  • 2
    I think you can specify max-downloads and store-time somehow.
  • 2
    @metamourge Wanted my own thing anyways ;)

    Can you self host that thing by the way? Mine works only with api keys as well
  • 1
    @Brugle Not looking for peer to peer :)
  • 2
    Skimmed your post and didn't see that you wanted api :) deleted commend
  • 3
    It actually works is the happy ending we always want but rarely get 😂
    I like that idea tbh, might do one my self
  • 1
    @irene The page you visit is merely a php file which serves a file based on a hash given as a GET variable. When one calls the url with a valid hash (GET variable), a database value is updated and the file is served.
  • 1
    @irene Nope, a finished download can't send a signal so i just have to trust that the user has downloaded it (if you know how to do that please enlighten me!)
  • 1
    @irene Yup. I'd ask the uploader to re-upload :).

    But if you'd make that feature 'wider',, the entire point of the application goes away 😬
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