
I am doing very well in a STEM PhD on a topic I don't like. I wish someone could hire me as a junior software developer instead. :(

  • 3
    The level of education alone should suffice in terms of getting your foot at the door.

    What degrees do you hold?
  • 4
    World is a strange place, those who wants, doesn't get and those who has , doesn't want
  • 1
    @AleCx04 masters and soon PhD in maths
  • 1
    Jeez I'm only getting my Bacholer's and I plan to get work as a Junior. If you have a project you can show off you should be able to get a position as jr dev by now.
  • 0
    I'm considering the same path (phd in biology and move out to find a software engineering kind of job). It seems to be doable. So no worries 😉
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