
Maybe you're already aware of this one:

  • 4
    Makes me sad 😥
  • 2
    First time i see it

    Btw lel
  • 2
    🌳 ecosia is love, ecosia is life! 🌲

  • 3
    Bing is to search engines pretty much what IE is to browsers.
  • 5
    @Fast-Nop what IE *was* to browsers. That shit is dead, have mercy, let it rest.
  • 6
    @Commodore the only arguable reason for not calling Bing dead, too, is because it has never been alive. ^^
  • 1
    @Commodore fucking retarded company policies sometimes still enforce IE to be the default fucking browser.
    Fair enough, I don’t care, as long as I can use whatever I want, but as a web dev, you need to care as well about this fucking pile of crab doing every fucking think other than the entire other world of browsers.
  • 2
    @dder actually more a diarrhea pile of crap
  • 3
    @dder I ie-optimized one thing:

    The "this isn't optimized for your browser" window. (Coming soon)
  • 1
    @BambuSource you need to Write the website and than a clone for IE, or as you said, this browser warning.

    I’d need to check whether my boss uses a bowser or retarded attempts to create something to render shit inappropriately.
  • 3
    poor bing.
  • 1
    @dder mhe, necrophilia is a thing to some people.
    Those companies still using IE nowadays kind of look the same to me.
    I think that my point stands 😋
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